Victorious Fitness Challenge. . .June 11

Morning, all. (y'all?)

Today I'm taking advantage of the sunshine and going for a long walk. (also, slept in too late to reserve a spin bike at the gym. . .)

Yesterday's weight workout has left me pretty sore, but I actually like it. I like being sore when there's a reason for it.:tongue: I did a thirty minute "hip opener" sequence from a yoga tape, and that has helped my leg muscles tremendously.

I have two "gold stars" on my week's plan. I've decided to print my weekly workout sched. and keep it on my magnet board next to the computer. I'm in no mood for long term goals right now. My goal is to do everything for the week, and then get a manicure. I can't get a pedicure right now because I have a "black toe" (very ugly, but apparently harmless) and I'm missing most of my toenail on my right big toe. Hooray! It's sandal season and I have the world's most ugly toenail. Ah well, could be worse. . .


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, all. (y'all?)

    Today I'm taking advantage of the sunshine and going for a long walk. (also, slept in too late to reserve a spin bike at the gym. . .)

    Yesterday's weight workout has left me pretty sore, but I actually like it. I like being sore when there's a reason for it.:tongue: I did a thirty minute "hip opener" sequence from a yoga tape, and that has helped my leg muscles tremendously.

    I have two "gold stars" on my week's plan. I've decided to print my weekly workout sched. and keep it on my magnet board next to the computer. I'm in no mood for long term goals right now. My goal is to do everything for the week, and then get a manicure. I can't get a pedicure right now because I have a "black toe" (very ugly, but apparently harmless) and I'm missing most of my toenail on my right big toe. Hooray! It's sandal season and I have the world's most ugly toenail. Ah well, could be worse. . .
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    I managed to get an upper body workout this morning hoeing up my broccolli, cauliflower and peppers. I still have my walk and I'll be good to go for today.

    Last night watched a fantastic lightning show from my porch and boy did it pour for an hour too, yea no watering the garden for me.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    I hope your toe gets better soon! I don't have the greatest looking toes naturally, so I'm always a little self-conscious!
    Alex's physical therapist just left and said he looks great, gave me some tips, and said if I have any questions to call her, but he won't need her on a regular basis. So that's good news!
    Now that she's gone I need to work out. Do I want to go walk in 85* or do I want to do Taebo inside? Hmmm. I think I will try to go for a walk. My arms and elbows still hurt from carrying around the weedeater on Monday! I think I am going to somehow incorporate that in my exercise every week. :laugh: I have more muscle tone in my arms from holding that than I have gotten from doing taebo.
    All right, I'd better go before I change my mind! Hope you guys have a blessed day!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    My sister is sure keeping me busy. I guess she's used to super pressure biomedical grad school, so she's bored. Yesterday was dancing, today is cardio + weight class (which I will take carefully), Friday is spa afternoon, Saturday 3 hours yoga + movie + 1 hour dancing, Sunday is Dad's day, Monday is the DEXA scan - yep, I'm getting it, I hope to do the gym fat % soon too, so I can compare.

    Sometimes I envy people who can "get into" music. Most people can, I can't. I can follow the moves but can't do it in time to the music. Last night's dance class wasn't the most fun thing I've ever done; however, I'm giving myself a month to learn and enjoy :huh: the swing. I like the music, but I can't feel the way the dancing relates to it. Viviakay will have to hit me with her magic baton.

    In other news, my challenge now includes no reading while eating (except fruits and veggies). I found myself getting a bowl of strawberries yesterday just so I could read the comics. At least I was hungry. Also might be down another lb - hope it's not all muscle from not doing weights!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Good Morning!

    MM...that's great news about Alex!

    Yesterday was a pretty mellow day for me, but I managed to stay within my calories.
    ~ Yoga Booty Ballet
    ~ 20 minute swim
    ~ Took my vitamins

    ~ Aiming to burn 900 calories. I'll probably do my cardio/ strength intervals at the gym
    ~ Drink my water, take my vitamins