kinect workout or p90x...please help?

I have a kinect and was thinking of getting the zumba game for it. I wanted to know if anyone had tried it and if they liked it or if they actually got a real workout from it:? Also is their anywhere to go get P90X for less that $100? It is so expensive. Is it really worth it or is their something even better out their that I have not discovered yet....please help....any input it better than none


  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I played yourshape for Kinect and really didn't like it all all. I also do P90X. And I love this program! It's hard! But it's really fun work out. I know you can make payments of like $40 or something if that helps. Money well spent if you ask me.
  • Alycyn1980
    Alycyn1980 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi there

    I have not tried the p90x (dont actually know what that is!!) but I did get the Kinect last Wednesday complete with Adventures, Sports and Dance Central. Played a little on the Wedneaday night then the Thursday night we played for a couple of hours, on the Friday I felt like I had been put through the wringer :ohwell: muscles were aching that I forgot I had AND I have been going to the gym for the past 3 weeks!!!!! I would get the Kinect as it does not feel like a workout and it is just a really good laugh. Played last night for nearly 50mins and burned 160cals!!!!! I am thinking about getting Zumba as I really enjoyed the actual classes but they are just too expensive, putting the £ towards the game.

    Enjoy no matter what outcome of your purchase is :happy:
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I haven't done P90x, but I've seen the amazing results others have gotten from it. It's going to get you a much better workout than a kinect game.
  • robbhull
    robbhull Posts: 8 Member
    P90x is a real workout. I tried Kinect workouts and it was terrible. Cool concept but I hardly got a workout and it kept telling me I was doing it wrong no matter how I tried.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Wowzers... Those 2 are pretty much incomparable in terms of successful results. I've done P90X. I wasn't in the fittest of shape when I did it the first couple of times, and therefore never finished it, but during the period of time I was doing it, the results were as promised. It is physically demanding and if you're dedicated to following the program, it will do as promised.
  • Alycyn1980
    Alycyn1980 Posts: 62 Member
    Probably best to disregard what I have said as it seems the P90X would be the more successful. I am not the fittest of people so I am quite happy to play about on the Kinect. I have wasted so much money on buying DVD workouts and equipment and I get fed up so easily that I end up giving the stuff away so lose out big time. I am happy to go to the gym and have a swim then have some fun afterwards :smile:
  • DaddyMantz
    DaddyMantz Posts: 145 Member
    I have done two rounds of p90x and one of p90x plus. It wasn't until i kept a food log that I lost some weight but I gained it all back.

    P90X is totally awesome. I think it works on a principle of three days a week of weights, two days of high intensity interval training, one day of Yoga and one day of stretching (or rest).

    P90X is great to get into a routine but following the principles is also good and excellent for variety.

    In other words, Zumba is great but if you work out 6 days a week, I think you should do the Zumba in place of 1 or 2 of the HIIT's.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    i tried p90x. yes, it's a good hard workout, but i really had trouble staying with it. the key is to do what you love so that you keep doing it. we have a kinect, and both my husband and i like the biggest loser ultimate workout. i've worked wtih the your shape as well and liked it.
  • sylove13
    Thank you everyone., I have a kinect and have felt like I have worked out crazy after using it. But wanted to see what others said about p90x. Looks like I'm gonna have to look into buying it soon.
  • dragonz11
    dragonz11 Posts: 57 Member
    i to have xbox kinect and was also wondering bout the zumba game,i do how ever have your shape and find its gr8 i get a bloody good work out :0)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    P90x is a real workout. I tried Kinect workouts and it was terrible. Cool concept but I hardly got a workout and it kept telling me I was doing it wrong no matter how I tried.

    I had the same problem. I'd workout with Kinect for 30-45 mins and not even be sweating. P90X I am sweating after the warm up's sometimes ha
  • smatlock76
    I have both Zumba games for the XBox Kinect. I love them. It feels as though I am really in class. It's awesome. I recommend the Zumba game to anyone who loves Zumba or who would like to try Zumba and are shy to try it in the gym.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I have Your Shape and Zumba for Kinect.

    I recommend Zumba.. "Your shape" didn't really get me involved or really want to keep going back.

    If you have tried a real zumba class and you like it.. i recommend the game. Its quite good!

    P90X is a much more intense workout.. I recommend looking on craigslist or something like that.. peopel are always selling old fitness stuff they dont use anymore.
    Or try downloading it.
  • shutterbabe
    shutterbabe Posts: 125 Member
    I think the zumba for kinect would be more of a "lighter" cardio workout, where P90X is more of an intense cardio and toning workout. Cant really compare the two because they're so different and would give such different results. I'm thinking of getting zumba for kinect only because I want some variation in my cardio workouts, but I do other things like 30 day shred and pilates for the toning.
  • secoke
    secoke Posts: 69 Member
    You can often find p90X on ebay for much cheaper than buying it brand new and as long as you get it from a good sender you will get the same quality.
  • Fozzyspotts
    Fozzyspotts Posts: 50 Member
    Really like the kinect, use it all the time. Boot Camp is actually pretty tought to keep up with, so is Cardio boxing