Exercise before breakfast



  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Greatest thing since sliced bread. I pop a little low side fat bruner and hit the gym.

    Some people have stomach issues when working out on empty stomach. Banana or PB seems to do well
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I always eat breakfast before exercising. For one I have learned that I need the fuel to be able to give 100% and the other reason is that it just doesn't work with my life/schedule to wait. I am chauffeuring kids to school between 7am-8am and I hit the gym after that. I can't imagine waking up at 6:15 and not eating till after 9am... I would be famished and without energy. Getting up early to go is not an option because my husband leaves at 4:45 to go to the gym before work and someone has to be here with the kids.

    Having said that... in my younger years before I had kids I used to work out before breakfast and never noticed that to be more beneficial...
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    The science behind the fasted cardio theory for anyone who is interested...



    I also have read a lot of research stating this is a good way to burn fat.

    Is quite different from This:

    "For the lean trying to get very lean (15% body fat or less for men, 22% or less for women), various strategies, including fasted cardio are probably going to be required to offset the mobization and blood flow defects. That’s why that specific group found decades ago that fasted morning cardio worked best.

    But for folks who aren’t that lean yet, the folks in the middle range of body fat levels, it really doesn’t matter. The best time to do cardio will be whenever it will most consistently get done. If that’s first thing in the morning, fantastic. If not, also fantastic. It’s more important in this situation that it gets done than when it gets done."

    Few of us fall into this category. This is what annoys me. The Diet Industry picks up on a decades old study, and then perpetuates some finding as fact. The actual study doesn’t apply to most of our situations. Then there is the whole debate about weather observational science can be used for this type of study anyway.

    Your diet has more to do with you burning fat than time or fasting level of your exercise.

    I work out in the morning because I like to. But if you’re not a morning person and you’re rolling out of the rack early to exercise because you think it’s going to burn a significant amount of fat….hit the snooze button, and eat a proper breakfast.
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    So glad I read this, I have been wondering... So Im going to try exercising in the morning to get it out the way because with my busy life-style, trying to fit it in in the evening, when Im tired, makes me too awake to sleep!! haha!