P90X and Insanity Not for people who aren't fit?

Okay so this post may come off wrong and some may not agree but that's just fine. I just recently came across one of my MFP buddies that told me her coach don't believe in her and she is doing Insanity but because she is not fit and in shape she can't do it. Also the fact that another one of the people she coach who is in shape and who has completed P90X can't complete insanity. Ummmmmmmm hello so what that don't mean that she can't do it just because someone who is fit and skinny can't do it!!!

First of all skinny don't mean fit believe that I have seen people 115 with HBP=High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol so don't think just because they are skinny that they are fit. I have also seen someone darn near 200lbs and they are fit as can be so really point being size don't matter.

These programs are tough I do agree and I own both and I am by no means in shape I have completed one round of P90X and I have yet to complete insanity (actually I am restarting today after seeing that comment) again still don't consider myself fit or near goal so hummmmmm I guess I shouldn't do it what ever!!

These program are for those who are fit minded who have heart and determination. Who strive for something greater and want to see themselves succeed. So if you own these programs and they are sitting up on the shelf because you saw one video and said what have I got myself into please take them down dust them off and get busy don't sell yourself short Tony Horton tell you in the video "Do your best and forget the rest", believe me if you do just that you will see major results and improvment by day 90 and the same with insanity by day 63!!!!


  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    All good points. I just hope that people check with their doctors before they start these, especially if they haven't exercised in a long time, to make sure they are healthy enough to do it. Since they are such strenuous workouts.
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    ANYONE can do them....no one said it would be easy, and you may need to repeat the 90 days several times to see the results you are looking for if you are not physically fit.....but really, who starts a workout DVD in the best shape? That's the whole point. It is challenging for everyone....that's why it's called INSANITY! I am by no means anywhere close to being in shape or strong and I have every intention on trying P90x soon. I think having heart and the willpower to stick that DVD in the machine and complete the workout *TO THEBEST OF YOUR ABILITY* is the key concept. Anyone on here can do ANYTHING they set their minds to, including P90x. of course it won't look just like the video and you may not be able to do everything on there...yet.....but that's the point...to get stronger, leaner, and healthier!

    You can DO IT!
  • StaceG1986
    I was thinking about doing P90X when I'm near my goal and even fitter than now! Note only thinking :wink: lol
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    you dont need to be fit just serious. if you really want a change they work. now you wont look like the folks on the commercials after one round but you will see results. thats dumb of the coach to say. coach should be fired
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Well as long as their is no medical reason not to anyone can do it. It seems very unlikely someone (such as this coach) whose done beachbody programs would say such a thing, but I guess not everyone gets it. The main thing to remember is that they are DVD's, and you generally do them by yourself. It's not a class at the gym or a personal trainer who could possibly push you far beyond your capabilities. All anyone who is not fit has to do is go the pace they can handle. It amazes me the number of people who think that P90X and the others are for fit people only. Kinda defeats the purpose doesn't it? FYI I was out of shape before I started and have done several rounds of P90X.

    NewImproved, you said it best here - "These program are for those who are fit minded who have heart and determination". Enough said.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I think anyone can do P90x (it isn't hard and it focuses on the weight training rather than cardio- the cardio for p90x isn't intense) Now with that said Insanity isn't your grandma's workout program there isn't any hand holding. The purpose of insanity is to push you waaaay past your comfort zone.
    But if you think you body is up for the challenge then go for it but consult a doctor first.

    Maybe the coach was saying that the person should do another program first because it is so intense. The person could also just do the program and prove the coach wrong and after the 60-90days (depending on the program chosen) they could tell the coach to Bite them!
  • Liz75
    Liz75 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm not familiar with the fitness programs you refer to, but I DO agree that skinny people can be unfit, I might be a stone or two heavier than girls I work with but I could leave them all behind in a run!!!
    It is all about heart rate, resting heart rate and the sort of exercises you are used to. Anyone, any size, if they embark on any exercise program will improve at their own pace.
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    You are right,you need to have the mentality to push yourself in those type of programs,not be physically 'fit' its just a word in some cases!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i have to agree with you on the fit versus skinny bit....

    when i did the 5k race for the cure this past weekend, i ended up running the entire 3.1 miles and i heard little skinny minis around me complaining about how much further and i dont think i can run anymore....it finally hit me...being skinny, small, weighing 120 or 105 or 135 or any number smaller than me at 193.4 DOES NOT make you more fit than me....i just assumed smaller meant better....but i finally realized, nope, getting fit is a process....you just dont get up one day at 130lbs and say i'm gonne go run a 1/2 marathon or i'm gonna go do p90x....you start at the beginning, just like someone who is 150lbs or 175lbs or 250lbs....you do what you can to achieve a goal....you work your body to improve your fitness and you do the best you can.....

    simply, you will not achieve greatness if you dont put out any effort....everyone needs to put out effort - big, small, short, tall, yellow, brown, white, male, female.....if you want to do great things you just have to START....so start and do your best...eventually you will get there....

    ps i agree with another reply, if you are not fit at all or are just getting started, you should completely get approval/info from your doctor first before starting any new routine.....
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    i have to agree with you on the fit versus skinny bit....

    when i did the 5k race for the cure this past weekend, i ended up running the entire 3.1 miles and i heard little skinny minis around me complaining about how much further and i dont think i can run anymore....it finally hit me...being skinny, small, weighing 120 or 105 or 135 or any number smaller than me at 193.4 DOES NOT make you more fit than me....i just assumed smaller meant better....but i finally realized, nope, getting fit is a process....you just dont get up one day at 130lbs and say i'm gonne go run a 1/2 marathon or i'm gonna go do p90x....you start at the beginning, just like someone who is 150lbs or 175lbs or 250lbs....you do what you can to achieve a goal....you work your body to improve your fitness and you do the best you can.....

    simply, you will not achieve greatness if you dont put out any effort....everyone needs to put out effort - big, small, short, tall, yellow, brown, white, male, female.....if you want to do great things you just have to START....so start and do your best...eventually you will get there....

    ps i agree with another reply, if you are not fit at all or are just getting started, you should completely get approval/info from your doctor first before starting any new routine.....

    So true, There's this guy at work, super skinny guy, never works out, eats junk. One day he was trying to stretch his back and I said "Bend down and touch your toes, that'll help." He couldn't even reach his ankles. I didn't think it was possible that someone so skinny couldn't reach his toes. I was amazed. And then very proud of myself as I thought "I can almost put my palms flat on the floor, and this skinny guy can hardly bend over!"
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I agree and Good Points!!!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    i have to agree with you on the fit versus skinny bit....

    when i did the 5k race for the cure this past weekend, i ended up running the entire 3.1 miles and i heard little skinny minis around me complaining about how much further and i dont think i can run anymore....it finally hit me...being skinny, small, weighing 120 or 105 or 135 or any number smaller than me at 193.4 DOES NOT make you more fit than me....i just assumed smaller meant better....but i finally realized, nope, getting fit is a process....you just dont get up one day at 130lbs and say i'm gonne go run a 1/2 marathon or i'm gonna go do p90x....you start at the beginning, just like someone who is 150lbs or 175lbs or 250lbs....you do what you can to achieve a goal....you work your body to improve your fitness and you do the best you can.....

    simply, you will not achieve greatness if you dont put out any effort....everyone needs to put out effort - big, small, short, tall, yellow, brown, white, male, female.....if you want to do great things you just have to START....so start and do your best...eventually you will get there....

    ps i agree with another reply, if you are not fit at all or are just getting started, you should completely get approval/info from your doctor first before starting any new routine.....

    So true, There's this guy at work, super skinny guy, never works out, eats junk. One day he was trying to stretch his back and I said "Bend down and touch your toes, that'll help." He couldn't even reach his ankles. I didn't think it was possible that someone so skinny couldn't reach his toes. I was amazed. And then very proud of myself as I thought "I can almost put my palms flat on the floor, and this skinny guy can hardly bend over!"

    Stretching is all about flexiblity not fitness. My husband is very fit however he isn't flexible at all. I actually laugh at him because he can't stretch.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    That coach or whatever is an idiot.

    Gee, the host of insanity and all his participants take breaks and dog it during the workout. Maybe they all need fired and they should re-shoot the program.

    The programs are for people to improve their fitness level. What would be the point of using them when your at a high fitness level? Anyone of any level of fitness can use the programs. Each individual should work at a level that makes it hard, yet possible to make it through the workout.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    i have to agree with you on the fit versus skinny bit....

    when i did the 5k race for the cure this past weekend, i ended up running the entire 3.1 miles and i heard little skinny minis around me complaining about how much further and i dont think i can run anymore....it finally hit me...being skinny, small, weighing 120 or 105 or 135 or any number smaller than me at 193.4 DOES NOT make you more fit than me....i just assumed smaller meant better....but i finally realized, nope, getting fit is a process....you just dont get up one day at 130lbs and say i'm gonne go run a 1/2 marathon or i'm gonna go do p90x....you start at the beginning, just like someone who is 150lbs or 175lbs or 250lbs....you do what you can to achieve a goal....you work your body to improve your fitness and you do the best you can.....

    simply, you will not achieve greatness if you dont put out any effort....everyone needs to put out effort - big, small, short, tall, yellow, brown, white, male, female.....if you want to do great things you just have to START....so start and do your best...eventually you will get there....

    ps i agree with another reply, if you are not fit at all or are just getting started, you should completely get approval/info from your doctor first before starting any new routine.....

    So true, There's this guy at work, super skinny guy, never works out, eats junk. One day he was trying to stretch his back and I said "Bend down and touch your toes, that'll help." He couldn't even reach his ankles. I didn't think it was possible that someone so skinny couldn't reach his toes. I was amazed. And then very proud of myself as I thought "I can almost put my palms flat on the floor, and this skinny guy can hardly bend over!"

    Stretching is all about flexiblity not fitness. My husband is very fit however he isn't flexible at all. I actually laugh at him because he can't stretch.

    Okay, I can see your point. I guess I didn't think of it that way.

    In this one particular guy's case, however, I am absolutely more fit than him. He smokes, eats junk, never exercises. And weighs about 135...in boots and a sweater...soaking wet. :laugh:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,350 Member
    Some of these trainers will tell you this type of jive, because they want you to pay them to train you. Let's face it these type of DVD's are costing trainers big money for those motivated and determined enough to do it on their own with these DVD's.

    You are right also with recommending people start off doing what they can do and if they keep doing it they will get better and better as it as times goes on and before they know it they will be able to complete the whole program.

    I agree there are a some fit overweight and obese people.

    I was noticing this morning I have to do so much more now to get a high HR going now. It takes me ten or more min to get HR up there, so starting today upped my levels on all of the machines I work on and I am going to buy me some new gym shoes so I can start doing treadmill interval training more also at the gym.
  • stamy6
    stamy6 Posts: 27
    I'm glad to see such constructive conversation regarding this topic. Everyone is different and everyone's abilities are different.
    We should appreciate our differences and encourage each other. This message b oard should always be about SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT.
    I am a Pharmacist, Marathoner, Beachbody Coach, and a Graduate of Chalean Extreme, TurboJam, Insanity and P90x (in one week).
    Everyone needs to be assessed by a physician before starting anywork out.

    What's most important about this any ANY workout is
    4. HAVING FUN- I thought this was supposed to be fun !!!!

    I know what it's like to struggle with food and what it's like to run 26 miles in pain and in the heat.
    The mind controls it all.

    No matter what, we must surround ourselves with positive people and keep PUSHING!
    I'm happy to be supportive of others. NOT BECAUSE I'm a Coach or have multiple degrees or because I'm special or Skinny or Fat or eat high protein diets or suck down egg whites and protein powder.


    I'm here to be supportive and I'm sorry your friend had a negative encounter. Let's reach out and support each other.
    A really good coach will work with anyone and help them reach THEIR goals as appropriate for THEM.

    Skinny isn't always healthy, HEALTHY IS HEALTHY!
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    The one thing that I know about both programs is, you only get out of it what you put into it. They have the fit test at the beginning and during each program. You WILL find yourself breathing extremely hard when you do Insanity. There's no way around it. That is the hardest program I've ever done. But it is also my favorite program. It is totally mental when you do Insanity. Shaun T is a great motivator. So you just have to keep your mind focused on the goal and not that pain.

    P90X is an easier program to begin than Insanity. But with both programs you have to push yourself. The best thing to do is get a heart rate monitor, see your doctor before you begin the programs, and then just push play.

    Don't let anyone tell you that you are not fit enough to do a program. And if they do, use it as motivation to go beyond what you can see or believe. Just like having faith.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    My story:
    Highest weight 11/1/09 @ 273 lbs.
    Started P90X 02/15/10 @ 247.6 lbs (couldn't jog a mile)
    Started Insanity 05/31/10 @ 227 lbs.
    Currently: completed two rounds of both programs. @ 212 lbs.

    In last phase of my 3rd round of P90X and Insanity Max hybrid. Run @ lunch and weekends. First 5K race scheduled February 19th.

    No Excuses.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Gee, the host of insanity and all his participants take breaks and dog it during the workout. Maybe they all need fired and they should re-shoot the program.

    As I told one of my buddies on here, if you have purchased the add-on Insanity: Fast & Furious dvd (40 minute workout condensed into 20) there is a point where Shaun T and the 2 students are doing "power jumps" where they are all bent over, hands on knees, gasping for air and Shaun T says 'will somebody GO?" Cracks me up every time.

    I was as concerned as many when I started both of these programs and I never told myself "you CAN do it." It was always "you WILL do it!" Just keep improving, day by day.
  • JLeeAlton
    JLeeAlton Posts: 311
    Anyone can do anything they set their mind too. It's all in how bad do they want it.