WHAAA!? 5 pounds! : x

Stepped on the scale this morning and I am up 5 pounds since Friday. I did have a kinda un healthy weekend. Ate bad Friday, did good Saturday, and ate bad yesterday but I dont think 5 pounds worth of bad! I am supposed to be getting my you know what this week so hopefully thats what its from but we'll see. No more bad days for a while


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    most likely water weight due to high sodium over the weekend. Drink a lot of water and you should drop the weight in a couple of days.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I see that you ate badly? ...Did you do any exercise at all this weekend? ...Did you drink 8 glasses of water per day?...How was the Sodium intake...
    Just remember its not a race to see who can do it the faster...as long as you feel alright. Dust yourself off, its a new day, a new week...those 5lbs will come off in no time...xo
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
    That could definitely be a major part of it. Also, did you eat a lot of salt this weekend or drink?
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I agree, most likely water weight from those bad days. You may have actually gained 1 pound and the rest could be water, but you get that 1 pound back real quick I am sure.
  • mixmastermolly
    I've maintained the last 2 weeks and it's so discouraging to me! Yes, I had ONE bad day each of those weeks but still. It wasn't bad enough to not even lose a few ounces in TWO weeks, right!?
  • MomsDaily140
    Stepped on the scale this morning and I am up 5 pounds since Friday. I did have a kinda un healthy weekend. Ate bad Friday, did good Saturday, and ate bad yesterday but I dont think 5 pounds worth of bad! I am supposed to be getting my you know what this week so hopefully thats what its from but we'll see. No more bad days for a while

    Awe it will be okay.... It happens to all of us! That's why it's important to go by measurements also. Inches mean way more than that scale. I wasn't down anything this week as far as the dreaded scale goes, but I lost 2 inches in my hips. I will take that over that scale moving any day!

    And on average I only lose maybe 0.5 lbs a week and I work my butt off, I did at the start of Jan in 10 days drop 7lbs, but my body, because I work out so hard, it takes a LONG time for the scale to move for me. So I measure. And again for me, I am back to slow mode as far as the scale goes.... Plus our bodies can retain so much fluid, from so many different things... Not sleeping well, stress, hormones, etc....

    So keep your chin up, today is a new day,... a fresh start! :flowerforyou:
  • ScottyLikesCake
    ScottyLikesCake Posts: 54 Member
    My weight fluctuates loads over the course of the week and I used to get really stressed about every pound on/happy about every pound off only to find my weekly weigh ins were showing steady progress.

    I know it's hard but try not to weigh yourself too frequently - once a week is enough to track progress - and try to weigh at the same time of day - my weight can vary by 4lbs from breakfast to dinner for no good reason. I had to throw my scales away as I was getting really obsessed and was constantly hoping on them. Now I can only get weighed once a week at Fat Club ;-)
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    the longer you eat healthy, the BIGGER effect a day "off" will make on your body. it's hard for your body to deal with excess salt, fat, sugar... when it's NOT used to that anymore. it's easy to gain 5 lbs of water. drink lots of water and after the next few days you will be back to normal. get right back on that horse.
  • Birdnicaj
    the longer you eat healthy, the BIGGER effect a day "off" will make on your body. it's hard for your body to deal with excess salt, fat, sugar... when it's NOT used to that anymore. it's easy to gain 5 lbs of water. drink lots of water and after the next few days you will be back to normal. get right back on that horse.

    This is so true...once you get off the "junk" if you do get back there, it is far worse! Been there myself. Everyone has to be "bad" now and again (although I hate calling it that) but I try to limit it to just a bad meal rather than a whole bad day. A bad day can be upwards of 6,000 calories (really!!!!) and that's almost 2 lbs right there!
  • MomsDaily140
    My weight fluctuates loads over the course of the week and I used to get really stressed about every pound on/happy about every pound off only to find my weekly weigh ins were showing steady progress.

    I know it's hard but try not to weigh yourself too frequently - once a week is enough to track progress - and try to weigh at the same time of day - my weight can vary by 4lbs from breakfast to dinner for no good reason. I had to throw my scales away as I was getting really obsessed and was constantly hoping on them. Now I can only get weighed once a week at Fat Club ;-)

    me too, ...I actually didn't even own a scale, until Christmas when my mom came down, she weighs in daily. I cannot do that, it would completely depress me. She said it motivates her, but for me it's the opposite. I think I may even go back to my two week check ins scale wise and go back to measuring. I have better results when I go by my measurements, verses the scale.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I ate bad yesterday and I'm up two pounds today too. Blah! It'll be okay though. I know from experience that I can get back into my normal routine and will be back to a more understandable weight in a few days. You can too! Just don't give up!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Most of it is probably water weight. You didn't gain five pounds of fat in one weekend. I don't care how loose you were with your food choices.
