
I've been using this site for the last 25 days.....and I can honestly say I LOVE IT! It is like weight watchers and facebook all wrapped up in one! I tell everyone about it! I (like thousands of others out there) have decided this year is the "Skinny Year!" I have been up and down with my weight for as long as I can remember...I was at the heaviest I have been about a year ago and decided it was time to do something...So I've been dieting ever since. But I wasn't serious about it until the last 3 months....and now I am determined to lose the weight!
I have read many of the forums and posts....There are many helpful ideas and tips......And LOTS of MOTIVATION!
Thanks for creating a GREAT place for people like me to keep motivated!


  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    The site is awesome. So much encouragement whether you are having a great day or a not so great day :frown: . Keep with it and you will absolutely reach your goals. Good luck.:tongue: