Hello :D

xerinx2011 Posts: 222
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hiya guys im new here!

Im erin im 25 and weigh far too much (313.1lbs 4 days ago 309 today :D )

Im doing the ultra slim meal replacment diet for a while whilst i get my head around calorie counting. So far its going good and ive lost 4lb in 4 days :D


  • themrsbriggs
    themrsbriggs Posts: 151 Member
    welcome!!! MFP is a GREAT place to be if you want to lose weight. I've been here for 2 weeks and have lost 4 lbs :) I'm doing Slim Fast for breakfast and lunch (dinner is what i'm working on getting better at) Good luck on your journey :)
  • nana_of_8
    nana_of_8 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi :bigsmile: Welcome! You're off to a great start! Just make to take in at least 1200 cal each day so your body doesn't go into starvation mode. Keep it up!
  • Thankyou for your replies :D

    With ultra slim im only meant to be having 1200 cals a day but that gave me a headache allllll day! So ive upped it to between 1300-1400 :)
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Welcome Erin! Good luck on your journey.
  • Thankyou :D xx
  • Welcome. One of the biggest obstacles to losing weight is where you are mentally. Sounds like you're ready! I've only been here a few weeks (though I started trying to lose weight in August. I had found that my diet and exercise was at a standstill but since joining i've really gotten back on track for the most part. I truly enjoy meeting new people and hearing about their trials and tribulations. You CAN do this. If I can offer you any support or suggestions or just be an ear to listen, don't hesitate to shoot me a message! Good luck

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