Where to start

I weight over 300 lbs and have started to eat more healthy foods, but I also realize that I need to start doing some sort of exercise to. I am looking for some suggestions that would be good for me knowing that I haven't really done any exercise? Also, it has to be inexpensive or even free. Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Thank you,


  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    - Walking the neighborhood with 3 to 5 lb weights is the cheapest way to start.

    -There are also alot of cheap exercise dvds that you can purchase at Walmart if you have one near you. You can modify the exercises until you are able to keep up with the instructor.

    - You can put on your favorite CD, grab those weights and start boxing. Do jabs & upper cuts.

    - Leg lifts to the back, side and front.

    - Knee raises.

    - Knee raises and then kick to the front.

    - Side twist with your lower half staying still.

    - Grab your weight and do arm raises over your head.
  • meadows654
    Walking! Absolutely free and it's a start! You can even walk in place while watching tv. Also, if you have access to a local swimming pool, that would be a lot less stressful on your joints and would be a killer workout for you. Some local schools have a swimming pool membership that doesn't cost that much. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    Walking! This is a great way to start and it's FREE. It sounds so simple but going on a walk for me a relaxing and good exercise. You can vary your walking by going different speeds, different length of time/distance, and different routes outside. Walking up and down stairs is another option to get the heart pumping. Something cheap to invest in is hand weights and workout videos. They have some cheap hand weights out there (I've seen around $10 for two 5lb weights), and I've bought workout videos for as little at $4. Go to your local Walmart or Target and watch for sales, that's what I do.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Definitely walking. If you feel you need to be pushed, you can look into Leslie Sansone walking videos, but her music is boring (I always mute it and listen to my own). It really is the best place to start.
  • aryaw
    aryaw Posts: 36 Member
    Walking is a great place to start. Walmart has weights for really inexpensive (at least they were a few years ago) and there are you tube videos for various exercises that are simple and easy to do that are free, you can find just about anything online...lol

    workout video for chair exercises --->>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SVYs7pewQM
  • dawnslaughter
    my exercisie was going for a walk round the block as far as i could, then next time i would go a bit further, mowing the garden, i know clean for a living and i can burn so many calories its not true., i never wanted to go to the gym because all the skinny people were there, and made me feel bad, anything that is more than you usually do can be counted, once you lose a bit more weight and things get easier to do, you can do more, just do what you can, i used to want to die if i ran up the stairs, and to bend down to fasten my shoes made me black out, i dont think twice now about running up the stairs and the hill that runs up to my house used to make me feel my heart pounding in my head and i had to stop half way up, now i just climb it without drawing breath, you can do it you can lose the weight, you have made the first steps by making the decision to change.. good for you .x.x.x.x
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Walk Away The Pounds by Leslie Sansone is a great start. Or walking outside if you are motivated to go out in any condition. The Walk Away the Pounds dvds can be found pretty affordable at Walmart, Target or online at Amazon or probably even cheaper used on ebay. They are low impact but really work your total body with or with out the hand weights. My 290-300s body could/can do it.
  • ronchap
    ronchap Posts: 60
    I was over 300 too. I started walking 2 miles then 3 then faster @ 3.5 to 4 mph once I was used to it. Sunday was a 5.5 mile.
  • mjrichey7
    Thank you to everyone who has responded to my post, I really appreciate it and will begin some sort of walking routine soon. :smile:
