A Rant... By Me



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    To each their own, its none of our business how anyone chooses to lose wt.

    Thank You, we should all respect that different things work for different people and just support one another in our triumphs and failures.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    I'm not on a diet. I watch what I eat, avoid processed carbs and simple sugars. I keep myself accountable for 1800 cals per day. Magically, I lose weight. Unless of course I eat everything I want. Then wow... gain city!
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member

    Why the H*** are all these people on here doing "a diet"??? HCG.... South Beach... Atkins.... and whatever other crazy DIET there is in the world that works for a little bit but as soon as you can no longer maintain that lifestyle of not eating like a normal person.... they gain it ALLL BACK plus more!!

    This website is about nutrition... EATING NORMALLY AND LOSING WEIGHT! not NOT having to go on some diet that you will ultimately fail at!!

    I have done it! I have done south beach... weight watchers... a extreme restricted calorie diet... I didnt need a website because you technically dont have to track food with these (except weight watchers and i just dont like them because you have to pay and all the calculations!). Guess what! With all these things I gained all the weight back as soon as I ate like a normal person again!

    There are no miracle cures or quick fixes. Its eating healthy (there's a food pyramid for a reason!) and exercise! Its not going to happen overnight! There might be stalls and breakdowns, but its all a part of the process!

    I have to disagree with you.

    South Beach and Atkins are very well balanced plans that are LIFESTYLE changes.

    Don't judge anyone if you have not walked in their shoes.

    We all have a right to be on this site to share our successes and failures with one another regardless of the plan we have chosen as individuals to do. What works for you, does not work for me.

    I live by the Paleo standards and my food pyramid looks very different from yours as I see you adhere to the USDA standards that I know are wrong. I have done Atkins in the past and decided to take my eating to another level when I transitioned over to Paleo standards.

    Guess what, my eating is normal. Just because you don't see me buying boxed, frozen or packaged items at the grocery store, does not mean that I don't eat normal.

    Please stop judging others, as I previously stated - we are all here to support one another, not tear each other down.

    I can tell you as a person that has reversed Type 2 Diabetes, simply adhering to the USDA Food Pyramid that has another agenda than making any one of us healthy almost got me to the point of having to take Insulin injections.

    So, before you judge the person with PCOS, type 2 Diabetes or some other Endocrine issue that is eating an alternative LIFESTYLE plan than yours (aka Paleo, Atkins, South Beach or HCG) - you need to stop and think about where these plans have a place in some of our lives.

    I can tell you that transitioning over to Atkins got me OFF medications, got my blood sugars to NORMAL and maintaining.

    When I did the HCG plan last fall, my hormones are now BALANCED AND AT NORMAL RANGES. And for the record, I lost 38 pounds with HCG and have kept it off for nearly 6 months now.

    When I was on Atkins, I lost 100 pounds and kept it off for 7 years, YES 7 years. Don't tell me that it isn't a lifestyle and that it can't be adhered to for life because it can.

    I only gained weight back from being on Atkins because # 1 my thyroid starting acting up from PCOS and #2 I got a little cocky and loose with my eating. Entirely MY FAULT.

    Just because you couldn't or don't want to transition YOUR life in this manner doesn't mean that the next person shouldn't or doesn't want to.

    I think the rant was meant for those that choose these diets as a temporary fix to lose some pounds and then once they lose the weight they want, they go back to eating how they did before. So, I agree with the poster 100%! If someone chooses one of these diets as their lifestyle, then more power to them. It's the "quick fix" people that drive us all crazy! :tongue:

    You got it!!
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    It does feel like magic right? Its almost too easy for the post part... easy but takes some commitment!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I agree with the OP, sort of.

    I think that "weird" diets are bad: I think you should eat real foods and I am mistrustful of pre-packed foods. Since it is hard to replicate that when you get off of it.

    I read the South Beach Diet Book. I thought it was a reasonable plan. It focused on eating lots of produce and "good" foods. It wasn't too far off of Michael Pollans recommendations.

    I am all for realistic jumpstarts. That focus on whole foods not processes stuff, but all of us have a different path ahead.