break from alcohol...

ok i think it is time to take a break from anyone else in the same boat? i have tried it before and was unsuccessful, but i think it is necessary for me to reach my weightloss goals. i would like to find something to do on a friday night that does not involve booze, but i guess drinking has kind of become a habit on the weekends. i dont think i have a problem or anything, but i think i need to mature past getting wasted at bars and playing drinking games....

if anyone has any info that can help my healthy lifestyle change, or if anyone wants to join me please respond with motivation and tips! thanks guys! cheers!


  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    Hi! I also decided to take a break from alcohol, however haven't given it up completely. I treat myself once a week with a nice bottle of wine, or some light beer. So far it is working out great for me! On saturday I had a lovely Carmener and on Super Bowl Sunday I'm going to treat myself to some Stella light! I like rewarding myself for a good week, but agree that in order to see my weight loss goals, I can't have a drink every night!

    Good luck to you on your journey and feel free to add me :)
  • reesepieces
    reesepieces Posts: 253 Member
    I hang out with rock band (great group fun), miniature golf, movie theater, indoor rock climbing, anything to keep your mind from going to the bars!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I gave it up for New was starting to interfere in my metabolism. I was a 1-3 glasses of wine a week type. But it just needed to go.
    It can be done, I've gone without it multiple times, I don't miss it. It's just a habit to have a nice glass of merlot every once in a while. But it's pure carbs with almost no healthful side effects. If I wanted the polyphenols and antioxidents...a glass of grape juice would be better.
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    There's a whole topic devoted to alcohol here, it's called 'Like minded lushes' - look it up!

    I'm reaching the one month, no alcohol milestone today, unless a bottle of wine ambushes me in the evening. Aiming for 15 more days sober.

    It really helps me shift some weight, though, so it's totally worh it.
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    you know. i enjoy wine. very much. I'd spend my weekends taking bubble baths and having a couple glasses to wind down....well now that i've gotten serious about losing weight i realized i cant waste my calories on a drink. i just cant. sometimes i wouldnt care but once you're in that mind set that you will do this you have to change habits....I just know i rather EAT 600 calories than drink a bottle of wine! lol...thats just how i feel. im not in the bar scene anymore. im married and have 2 young kids, but im sure it would be more difficult if my life was still active in that area....its all a matter of what you WANT to sacrifice for your goals! and good luck! :-) suggestion is just to choose smarter drinks...and realize how much exercise it will take to make up those calories!
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    My last drink was a Yeungling on Dec 31st. I haven't had a drop since. I'm trying to see how long I can go. Last time I went 60 days.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Alcohol causes inflammation in the stomach and the body. It keeps the stomach from absorbing nutrients and slows down metabolism. If you tried before and couldn't stop then there could be an addiction issue. I know a couple who drink every weekends. They are now in their 40's and can't bounce back from it, spend too much money on it, and their health is deteriorating faster and faster each year. High blood pressure, acid reflux, stomach ulcers, thyroid problems, etc. They've been drinking like this for more than 20 years. Take a break.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I'm 30 days alcohol free!

    I gave it up hoping it would benefit my weight loss.

  • bgagn085
    bgagn085 Posts: 14 Member
    I completely understand how you feel!! Once you start counting calories you really take notice to how much is in each drink. Personally I do find it difficult sometimes, in particular when (just like you mentioned) friends are still caught up getting wasted at bars and playing drinking games.

    I find that for me an easy way to eliminate the temptation is to offer to be the designated driver, (not always as fun but it definitely prevents you from drinking). Or if I do decide to drink, I will opt for lighter choices like white wine. After a while you learn to appreciate how wonderful it is to not be hungover the next day, not to mention not having to feel guilty when entering 7 drinks into MFP.
  • sapmart
    sapmart Posts: 16
    This one too was hard for me as I am a pretty big guy and hangin out with friends I could easily drink 10 to 15 beers a night on the weekends if not more. It comes down to just setting your mind to do it knowing you don't want all those wasted calories. Last weekend we had friends over and played some cards and I only had 2 beers followed up by water each time in about a 5 hour span which a month ago would of been 6 to 10 beers. It helps to have friends that are supportive. When we go out to eat I just plan that day to hold back a little on my calories so I can have a beer or two. It's hard but set your mind to it and you will accomplish it. Good luck
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    I refuse to give up alcohol. Instead of chugging beers every weekend like I used to I switched back to drinking liquor. Capt. Morgan & diet coke are my two saviors (60 calories per 8 oz drink). I get just the right amount of tipsy without the bloated feeling that I usually had from beer.
  • yurmomma
    I agree alcohol does make a difference with weight loss. For me it is not just the empty calories, but the junk food that goes along with it! I still do have the odd drink, but I cut it with club great with wine and coolers with lots of ice. I find I can stretch a cooler into two tall drinks. I am going to try to include a link with an article about alcohol, but I am not very good at this computer I hope it will work! As for filling a weekend nite with something fun...why not take a dance class or do something active? I find I don't feel like drinking while doing something active...or after doing someing active!
  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    I'll be off a month on Wednesday and I think it definitely makes a difference. That being said, I'm meeting friends for cocktails on Friday so bang goes that idea... But from now on I'm going to try and stick to only drinking while I'm out, stopping the sneaky wine in the house on a Friday night.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I've been doing pretty good with lifestyle changes, but also admit alcohol has a bad hold on me. So I'm willing to join you and go alcholol free - my goal is to start 2/1/11 and go until St. Patick's Day (March 17). I'm planning a night out with friends and know I'll be having a few to drink on that day. I really need to hide the wine bottles so they are not a temptation in my kitchen :-)
  • Maghenta
    Maghenta Posts: 100
    Am on the same boat honey! I do go out clubbing a lot too, once I hit on my first plateau, I thought it be a good idea to give up alcohol for at least 5 weeks... this past weekend was my 1st. I did go out dancing but didn't drink nothing but water. even when I visisted my mom over the weekend, and she had my favorite Moscato wine open. I didn't care to get a glass.... it was tempting but I 1 week down 4 more to go.
  • barberella
    Love this! I'm with ya! I am not giving up my ETOH. I'm a strict Canadian Club and Diet Coke gal. Okay, some times, I slip in a Yager bomb with Sugar free Red bull..special occasions only. I do wanna lose weight badly, don't get me wrong, but am I willing to give up social time with my friends? no. And I'm sorry, but here in Madtown, WI, this is what our culture is. Especially in the winter..Well, all the time really, but at least in the summer, we hit the outdoor festivals more and at least breaks up the monotony of sitting on a bar stool where you can down a lot more alcohol. Alcohol is EVERYWHERE here. and I could pick different friends, sure, but guarantee this, it's hard to escape. I pick a lot of different activities to do with many different types of friends in different circles, but somehow alcohol finds its way in. I also work for a rehab facility, and these are some of the biggest drinkers I know!!!!!! And some of the funnest people.
    Anyway, I have gotten a lot better about cutting down on my intake as well. No, I don't spend every night at the bar, but I do go out occasionally. I limit my intake, and slow it down. I drink water with every drink as well. And I am losing weight also. I lost a lot of weight before while drinking, but that I attribute to cutting out the crap I would eat along with getting tipsy. No more fourth meal at Taco Bell or bar food. I ate before hand, and stuck to my CC and Diets.
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    I have given it up for the most part, but I did drink quite a bit this weekend because I was a little stressed and I wanted to have a good time. But now, I'm back on the wagon. Might have a drink on Sunday, but not for the Super Bowl, nope, we're going to the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo Fairgrounds to hang out with friends. Can't wait!!
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I drink too much wine.

    It is the number 1 cause of my weight loss issues.

    I too am ready for a break.
  • mcohan
    mcohan Posts: 116 Member
    ok so mark my words, as of Feb 1st, no booze for at least a month, and then we shall the mean time i am going to post fun activities i do instead of drinking, and for every week i go i will stash some money in the vacation fund/birthday in vegas fund!!
  • mcohan
    mcohan Posts: 116 Member
    Am on the same boat honey! I do go out clubbing a lot too, once I hit on my first plateau, I thought it be a good idea to give up alcohol for at least 5 weeks... this past weekend was my 1st. I did go out dancing but didn't drink nothing but water. even when I visisted my mom over the weekend, and she had my favorite Moscato wine open. I didn't care to get a glass.... it was tempting but I 1 week down 4 more to go.

    good for you!! i think the only struggle will be football nxt weekend, and valetines day....but i think i can hold out!