Wanted: Friends LOL

Charrisse Posts: 163
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Im new - just started last week! I'd like to meet some folks who have similar goals to share our trials, tribulations, goals.. and make new friendships!

I'm trying to lose the last 10 - 15 - then maintain. I want to keep my exercise up for health and appearance and eat healthy and "clean". Eating 100% clean is my ultimate goal. I would love to meet people who are on that journey and will give me feedback as regards to my food and exercise log. I am 100% honest in them! LOL

Looking forward to meeting ya'll. :)


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I've got 22 more lbs to go and I try to eat clean 99% of the time. I'm also a vegetarian and a runner and will give you honest opinions of your food. Feel free to add me as a friend :-D
  • It sounds like we have about the same goals! I'm trying to lose about 10-15 pounds and be healthier and more active. I just joined last week and am also looking for some friends and encouragement. :) I'll give you my opinions (for what they're worth) about your diary, and I'd love for you to do the same!
  • I have 10 lbs to go for "normal" BMI range. I manage to eat clean during the week but have a tough time on the weekends. (eating out is a killer for me...) :wink: Working out is my passion these days... love crossfit!
  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    Welcome! This is definitely a lifestyle change, you can do it! I have 20 lbs is like to lose and I eat clean about 80% of the time! Good luck to you!
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