Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels...Really??

I have heard this phrase so many times over the years. Between attempts at Weight Watchers, my own diets, and other people's encouragement, I've probably heard it or thought about it a hundred times. Well, here's the's been so long since I was "skinny" that I don't even remember what that feels like, so it was always easy to talk myself around that one. First of all the ice cream sitting in front of me would taste great "now." Me being skinny is far enough in the distance that it's not even a concept I get right now! Hmm...easy choice. I'm going for the ice cream! Well, not anymore! In the couple of weeks that I've been doing this, I've realized that just the smallest amount of weight loss and exercise is so much more rewarding than the guilt I always feel after a binge. I've lost 8lbs in the last two weeks and I can honestly say, I can see skinny in my future! I have a long way to go, but damn it, skinny has to feel better than constant guilt and shame, not to mention the longing to feel comfortable in my own skin! So, really...nothing tastes as good to me as skinny is gonna feel!!


  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    I totally get that one! It's been 12 years since I was skinny, who can remember that feeling after all those years? I wanted the "good" things now who cares what it did to my body? But 3 months since starting MFP and my 3 yr old's weight gone I can start to see what skinny felt like all those years ago. I have along way to go before I truly am skinny but man does that thought taste good! We will do this right and forever!!!!
  • Simonscat
    Simonscat Posts: 249
    I don't agree with that statement.
    No skinnyness can make me want to not eat.
    And the term skinny means stick and's horrid.
  • Oppie81
    Oppie81 Posts: 33
    I like that phase! One of my co-workers was giving me a hard time last week because I passed on a donut. She said “you only live once.” The only return I could come back with was “This is true and so I’d rather be thin.”
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I agree. I've never been below 170, and at my height that's not skinny! I don't know what skinny is. But yes, it has to feel better than feeling guilty and not comfortable.

    I can't wait for it! It's like being excited for vacation! haha
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I like that phase! One of my co-workers was giving me a hard time last week because I passed on a donut. She said “you only live once.” The only return I could come back with was “This is true and so I’d rather be thin.”

    You could also say "yes, true and I'd like to live as long as I can"
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't like this phrase one bit. It puts importance on being thin, which isn't important at all. What's important is being HEALTHY. When you focus on being healthy it's a lot easier to maintain good eating and exercise habits.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't agree with that statement.
    No skinnyness can make me want to not eat.
    And the term skinny means stick and's horrid.

    Exactly right! Focusing on getting skinny can definitely lead to unhealthy habits and a skewed body image.
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    I don't really care about being skinny that's unhealthy anyway. I've always been a rather thick child and then LARGE woman. I'm also a black woman and have a natural muscular build. I carry most ALL my weight in my midsection. I just want to not breath hard walking across the parking lot or up a flight of stairs. I want to be able to fit with my sweety while having sex and I want to feel healthier. If I lose the weight as a result then I am truly happy. I like being thick, but not fat. So No to skinny to me. I wanna be thick! Not sure if some of you will get that term, but I know other's will.
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Well then say, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."

    To people who have been 200+ or me 170+ for all or most of their adult life, skinny doesn't necessarily mean skin and bones. It could mean being 50lbs lighter, or 40lbs lighter. It doesn't mean being unhealthily skinny.
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    I don't agree with that statement.
    No skinnyness can make me want to not eat.
    And the term skinny means stick and's horrid.

    I don't mean skinny in the skin and bones sense. I'm not a huge fan of that word either, but that is the phrase I've heard and I'm just relating it to that. I never want to be so skinny it looks bad, but thin would be nice! And, it is not about not wanting to eat either....I love food, but for me it's about making better more binging!
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I second that thought!
  • alyssa83202
    Every time I see my weight go down on the scale, I realize that it makes me feel SO much better than eating junk ever has! I remember what it felt like to walk into a store and actually want to try on clothes, and that feels so much better than leaving a restaurant feeling full and bloated! While it might be a little cliche, I definitely think it's true!
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    Funny, I was just thinking of this phrase (that used to annoy the crap out of me) over the weekend during a nice long run in beautiful weather. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt if someone told me that I had to trade THAT feeling for the eating a doughnut, I’d never eat another doughnut. It’s exhilarating and fantastic to be thin and healthy.

    As it turns out, I’m lucky because I can have my cake and eat it too since I’ve really embraced the theory of moderation, but make no mistake I will give up anything to keep improving my fitness and overall health.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    We went full blown off the wagon on Thursday evening -- beer, giant cookies, fries, tons of white buns for sandwiches & hot dogs, etc. Friday and even into Saturday, we were lethargic, sleepy and just all around a mess. It took all weekend but I finally feel as good as I felt last Thursday morning.

    So my new motto is --- nothing tastes as good as NOT being hung over the next day feels!