Please take a look at my diary

I was hoping maybe some one would be kind enough to look at my diary since I have started and Give me a rough idea on how I am doing, I hope that as each day passed from my start date that I am gettin educated more and my by you delightfull members.It's just I want to know if what i am doing each day is correct or close to being correct. Thank you all in advance x


  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    It looks like you exercise like a fiend, so make sure you're eating enough to support that.

    You're eating a lot of protein and processed food; I would probably say track your sodium intake on your diary just to make sure.

    Your portions look great. You will definitely lose weight with all the exercising you're doing, but you'd be much healthier with more fresh vegetables and fruit!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Having other people look at your diary is always tough because we all do things differently and have different dietary needs.
    Some people will tell you lay off the beer. My CrossFit trainer drinks beer (not sure how many but definitely more than one when we go out) and is 9% body fat. So he clearly doesn't have a problem with it.
    The one thing that stuck out to me was that some of your meals are over 1,000 calories. That's a lot in one sitting unless it's a "cheat day". Your body will take a long time to digest some of that causing some pretty crazy scale fluctuations.
    I'd also be slightly concerned that your exercise estimates are over, but noticed you're not eating back all of your exercise calories, so I wouldn't worry too much about that.
    Are you losing weight? I noticed you don't have a ticker, so I have nothing to measure by.
    I'd focus on drinking a lot more water and cutting back to between 5 and 700 calories per meal and then a few small snacks in between to satisfy your hunger. That will keep you at your goals without taxing the body with a lot of calories in one meal.
    Otherwise just keep doing what you're doing and see what happens. If you're losin weight, you're doing fine. If not, maybe start calculating your sodium intake and see if that's a culprit.
    It's all a trial-and-error game.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I noticed you don't track your sodium! Maybe adding that to your settings will help you keep track of it. I know with high sodium your body might be hanging on to extra water weight... I have to keep mine super low or i will store water weight
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    Congrats on taking the first steps and reaching out for feedback! From the brief look I took...
    EAT MORE VEGGIES!!!! :-D Fresh or frozen veggies try to include them with one of your meals each day and then go from there. I would also slowly try to move away from fried foods and beer every day haha... but it is all one day at a time. Are you eating enough, if you aren't hungry then fabulous.

    But overall I would say you could benefit hugely from more fruits and veggies!
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    You're doing well in the calories department - maybe even consuming too few, considering your size.

    But I get the impression that there's a lot of processed, ready-made food in your diet. They are typically high in saturated fat and sodium, both of which you should be careful with.

    Can you try to have more lean protein (chicken breasts, fish, legumes, lean meat, turkey), vegetables and fruits? Some healthy unsaturated fat too - nuts and seeds (not salted and roasted), avocado and plant oils? That might balance out your diet a little.

    Kudos to you for getting started! Add me as a friend, if you like, and I'll cheer you on!
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    I agree with what all the ladies have said - definitely track sodium, try to "moderate" your meals to 500-750 calories spread-out more, and be careful on exercise estimates. I see burns of ~1500 calories in there. That's the equivalent of running 7 miles a DAY.

    **EDIT - please don't be discouraged by my advice, just trying to make sure your diary is accurate, so when the weight starts flying off, you know why!
  • keepitoff99
    What I want to know is how you burn 1700 calories in one day!
  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    you need more healthy lean meat/ protein...
  • LizardIsANerd
    First of all, congrats on starting this journey!
    Some things I would consider if I were you: 1. start tracking your sodium too. I am seeing a lot of REALLY high sodium things listed and sodium intake can lead to water weight retention.
    2. Are you REALLY getting as much enjoyment out of the Bud Light as you are out of your entire lunch? Cause you are spending as many calories on each... I know, Beer is awesome and tasty, but does it taste as good as healthy lifestyle choices?

    Really look at adding veggies and fruits too. I saw a few apples and some veggie soup - but not a lot of veggies overall...
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    In addition to what everyone said, I'd try to have a more protein rich breakfast. The eggs are great, but I see a few days where you're just not eating enough.

    Also with the beer, have you considered Bud 55? or an even lighter calorie beer than the Bud LIght?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi and Welcome!!
    I took a look at your diary and what I see
    is a lot of carbs and not the good kind.
    Try adding some more fruits and vegetables
    to your diet. Your exercise is good but I
    don't think you are eating enough of the good
    things like fruit and vegetables. Watch the
    gravy and chips too. Hopes this helps.
  • scotty38886
    scotty38886 Posts: 55 Member
    ok i added sodium to my diary according to it my sodiumm is way below
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    Hey man, it looks like you and I suffer with the same issue, I tend to eat too much at night and not enough for breakfast and lunch. I have to work on spreading my calories out a little more evenly. I would agree with everyone about the lean protein and less processed foods, but it's hard to do. I think you are doing great on your totals and completely obliterating that excercise, keep it up!
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    ok i added sodium to my diary according to it my sodiumm is way below
    Your entries are imcomplete. I can guarantee you that the WW pizza had a MINIMUM of 500 mgs of salt. Pretty much everything has sodium in it, so there should be a number where all those zeros are.

    There were a few more items you had listed that had zero under sodium where I would imagine the number is quite high. The rice from an indian restaurant? Restaurants are the worst offenders.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    ok i added sodium to my diary according to it my sodiumm is way below
    Your entries are imcomplete. I can guarantee you that the WW pizza had a MINIMUM of 500 mgs of salt. Pretty much everything has sodium in it, so there should be a number where all those zeros are.

    There were a few more items you had listed that had zero under sodium where I would imagine the number is quite high. The rice from an indian restaurant? Restaurants are the worst offenders.
    I looked up the pizza. 730mgs of sodium.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    ok i added sodium to my diary according to it my sodiumm is way below
    Your entries are imcomplete. I can guarantee you that the WW pizza had a MINIMUM of 500 mgs of salt. Pretty much everything has sodium in it, so there should be a number where all those zeros are.

    There were a few more items you had listed that had zero under sodium where I would imagine the number is quite high. The rice from an indian restaurant? Restaurants are the worst offenders.
    Yes. Also, English-style chips is basically an American French Fry. Right? Definitely over 500mg of sodium there. Probably closer to 750.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    Drink less (ideally none) beers...drop the soda, or have it occasionally...increase your breakfast calories...more fruits and veggies.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    I think the main thing is to remember one step at a time, the goal is to continue to improve so if this month you exercise hard but don't modify your diet then next month exercise hard and add in more fruits and veggies, the next month build on that and drop soda's, the next month track your sodium better, and etc. I think if we all try to do everything perfect right off the bat we burn out and go back to not giving a rip. And if you never give up the beer that is ok, just remember moderation and you will be fine.