Calling out all mommys!

ajwall3 Posts: 187
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys! I was wondering if we could ban together and help encourage one another with our weight/fitness goals since we are all mommies! I know after having my daughter my body changed! I noticed today during some crunches that I think my stomach muscles separated while pregnant and never came back together.... I think there's a medical word for it - but any other mommy's notice changes in your body post delivery and how has working out helped? Anyone want to friend me please do so! I know we could all use extra support and encouragement!! :flowerforyou:


  • Hi!
    I'm not sure how my body has changed since having my son (13 months old). Only because I had lost 70 pounds before I had him,...and weighed even more before I "officially" started losing weight. I gained back the 70 I had lost :cry: but didn't get any stretch marks since I was even heavier before in my life. I'll let you know what my stomach looks like in 20 pounds,...when I get the courage to look at it again!
  • im a new mommy, feel free to add me
  • I feel like after having 2 kids my whole body never went back together correctly! My body changed drastically. I'm now trying to take off the 40 lbs of baby weight. Down 20 and 20 more to go!
  • Guinepig
    Guinepig Posts: 51 Member
    I have had two children, one is 7 now and the youngest is two. I noticed with my second child the same thing. I have been working on core and it has helped some.
    I found most of my major changes took place with my first child. Hips never returned to their once youthfull slimness. Breast...well, you know. I work for a year to get my body back to almost it's original size. I really put it into gear with my second child where I gained more, faster. I gained a good 35lbs of just fat. It took me a year to get down to pre-pregnancy weught and have finally hit my PRE- PRE - pregnancy weight but now there's muscle!
    It's hard work, for sure! I'm still fighting. Hormones mess you up! It's even harder after turning 35 is looming.
    Good luck and work hard.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    I've had 3 kids, first was an emergency c-section and the twins a planned c-section. The last 3 months of my pregnancy with the twins they settled on my hips causing some 'fun' hip issues. :/ The twins are nearly a year and a half and I still don't know all the damage that was done. ;) Give me a few more pounds and I'll let ya know. :)
  • i have to say that my FAVORITEest thing on here is being able to see everyone's trackers!! it gives me such super hope. Just joined yesterday and started tracking today - i also put my weight on the fridge so ill see it (and so will everyone else) and it'll just be a constant reminder of my hopefully-constant weight loss!
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    I'm not sure how my body has changed since having my son (13 months old). Only because I had lost 70 pounds before I had him,...and weighed even more before I "officially" started losing weight. I gained back the 70 I had lost :cry: but didn't get any stretch marks since I was even heavier before in my life. I'll let you know what my stomach looks like in 20 pounds,...when I get the courage to look at it again!

    You're doing great to start working on your body with a young son! My daughter is 2 yrs. old and I'm just now REALLY motivated to make some changes!! You can totally do it!! If you did it once you can do it again! I had a few stretch marks on my thighs... I went from 110 to 170 in 9 months... I was on bed-rest the majority of my pregancy so all I gained was fat... I was miserable! We can all do this!!
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    I have a 10 month old and I tried to workout when he was 3 months old and I got no where. So I waited a few month and Now I am back at it again. My body really changed. My ribs still have not moved down at all and my hips are still wider. I also think I dont have any abs left. Sigh!!

    I think this is a battle we have to fight forever.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    You bet!! I have a bunch of great mommy friends on here and it's great to see other women dealing with the same issues I face for sure. The biggest thing for me not only on becoming a mom and my body changing was that I also became a stay-at-home mom at the same time. I was nursing, but went into cooking/baking overload after I had my first daughter and ate it all and it wasn't all healthy! When I stopped nursing my weight was out of control. I'm bound and determined to make changes this go round and even today I was thinking I'm 25lbs lighter than I was 2yrs ago (I lost about 10lbs before getting pregnant w/ our second)!

    Anywho, my biggest pet peeve is my thighs currently. Just not digging them, but I've got some time before bathing suit season and I just keep pushing play on ChaLEAN Extreme!! Oh and post-breastfeeding boobs... I'm going to need a lift someday! :D
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    I feel like after having 2 kids my whole body never went back together correctly! My body changed drastically. I'm now trying to take off the 40 lbs of baby weight. Down 20 and 20 more to go!

    You can do it! We all can help!! You are halfway there! That's AWESOME! :)
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member
    Add me. Two kids...youngest turned 16 months yesterday. My body is fighting looking anything like normal! lol. I will wear a bathing suit this year, I will!!!
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    I have had two children, one is 7 now and the youngest is two. I noticed with my second child the same thing. I have been working on core and it has helped some.
    I found most of my major changes took place with my first child. Hips never returned to their once youthfull slimness. Breast...well, you know. I work for a year to get my body back to almost it's original size. I really put it into gear with my second child where I gained more, faster. I gained a good 35lbs of just fat. It took me a year to get down to pre-pregnancy weught and have finally hit my PRE- PRE - pregnancy weight but now there's muscle!
    It's hard work, for sure! I'm still fighting. Hormones mess you up! It's even harder after turning 35 is looming.
    Good luck and work hard.

    So working on your core helped?? Will stomach muscles EVER get back to how they were before?? I think of Kelly Ripa and her three kids, and other women who's stomachs are super flat and toned... it seems possible? What Core moves have you focused on?? I got from 110 to 170 during 9 months of pregnancy... most of which was on bed-rest... so I gained all fat. I am 27 and we want more kids... however as selfish as this sounds - getting my body back seems more important to me than another child right now... I'm terrified of my next pregnancy. I had a very difficult high risk pregnancy due to my uterus deformity threatening the baby so of course stress added to the eating... I just don't want to do all this work just to end up in the SAME place in a few years! We can all encourage each other!! Thanks for sharing your story!
  • I do have to say I really admire all us mommies trying to bring sexy back. It is SO much harder to do this having to spread yourself between so many people (I don't see how ya'll with more than 1 do it!) I'm having to go to bed almost as soon as my son does and get up at 4 am just so I can have that time to hit the gym.

    I think what makes it harder for me this time around is not being able to concentrate solely on my efforts and that when I run it's still shocks me how much harder it is with all these extra pounds.
  • 1ofthegang
    1ofthegang Posts: 76 Member
    The ab seperation is called Diastasis Recti. I am a new mommy as well. I have a 9 month old baby girl. My delivery was pretty traumatic and I am finally now feeling like I can workout. But my hips and my ankles are shot! I am hoping that by losing weight, I will relieve some of the pain since I think it is from carrying around so much extra weight. I'll send you a request, us mommies have to stick together!
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    i have to say that my FAVORITEest thing on here is being able to see everyone's trackers!! it gives me such super hope. Just joined yesterday and started tracking today - i also put my weight on the fridge so ill see it (and so will everyone else) and it'll just be a constant reminder of my hopefully-constant weight loss!

    Yes! Seeing other people's results and goals is SUPER motivating! You can do it!! :)
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    You bet!! I have a bunch of great mommy friends on here and it's great to see other women dealing with the same issues I face for sure. The biggest thing for me not only on becoming a mom and my body changing was that I also became a stay-at-home mom at the same time. I was nursing, but went into cooking/baking overload after I had my first daughter and ate it all and it wasn't all healthy! When I stopped nursing my weight was out of control. I'm bound and determined to make changes this go round and even today I was thinking I'm 25lbs lighter than I was 2yrs ago (I lost about 10lbs before getting pregnant w/ our second)!

    Anywho, my biggest pet peeve is my thighs currently. Just not digging them, but I've got some time before bathing suit season and I just keep pushing play on ChaLEAN Extreme!! Oh and post-breastfeeding boobs... I'm going to need a lift someday! :D

    I was always so jealous of mommy's who's weight DROPPED while nursing! My daughter was lazy and wouldn't nurse so that wasn't an option for me! I pumped but that's not the same... and after 2 months we went to 100% formula. :( I was sad about this!! I need workout/diet advice on shrinking 'the girls' LOL Unfortunately they never came back down once pregnancy was over!
  • slummymummy
    slummymummy Posts: 42 Member
    Hey! I have 2 little Boys and can safely say my body DEFINATELY changed after I'd done reproducing! Everything's a couple of inches further South and a couple of inches wider too! I also find toning up what I've been left with is a constant battle! I wouldn't change being a Mummy for the world - but if I could have done it without gaining pounds and inches, I would have!

    One thing in your post worries me a little. You say you don't think your stomach muscles haven't gone back to normal? If, when you do a sit up you are still getting the "doming" effect (look down at your tummy when you do a crunch, is your stomach still coming up to a pyramid down the length of your abdominals?) This is not normal, and if this is the case, you should get checked out by a Dr before recommencing any form of abdominal exercise. Please don't think I'm scare mongering - I had the same problem after having my second child and it took around 4 months for my tummy muscles to return to normal (in the UK with have a check-up 6 weeks after giving birth and our abs are checked out then.) I was told that if I did try to train my stomach, I would cause deep tissue damage!

    I always thought that running around after 2 kids would be enough wrong I was! :ohwell:
  • Guinepig
    Guinepig Posts: 51 Member
    Pilates helps because it focuses on the core...not abs. I used that in the beginning but have moved on to more body weight stuff ie. Plank. Love to hate it. It can also be done on the ball. I use the ball a lot, just check online for ball exercises there are a tonne.
    Oddly enough squats work wonders. You need to stabilize the entire core area to keep yourself balanced. I found this out when I would wind up doing various types of squats with my trainer and I had to finally ask him, "why?".
    I don't do crunches, never have and I have got a six pack coming along. It's still hidden in a soft cooler though.
    Trying to lose the last 5-10 pounds is agonizingly slow.
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    The ab seperation is called Diastasis Recti. I am a new mommy as well. I have a 9 month old baby girl. My delivery was pretty traumatic and I am finally now feeling like I can workout. But my hips and my ankles are shot! I am hoping that by losing weight, I will relieve some of the pain since I think it is from carrying around so much extra weight. I'll send you a request, us mommies have to stick together!

    That's it! I'm sorry your delivery was so traumatic!! My pregnancy was... I was on bedrest almost the entire time and gained a lot of weight.... didn't help I was sitting on my butt ALL the time. Could only get up to use the bathroom so I gained a lot of stress induced and food induced weight!! :( Good for you starting now! I wish I'd started sooner! I've heard our hips shift and ligaments stretch out so it takes up to a year to get it all in sync again... I'm sure just moving, stretching, yoga to begin with will help with the soreness and ache! You can do it!!
  • my body definitely has not gone back to normal... i only gained 30 pounds while pregnant and worked out until 13 days prior to having my daughter... that was 8 months ago... and i still have 6 pounds to lose... it seems like the weight doesnt come off as fast before... if anyone would like to add me feel free ;)
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