What am I doing wrong? 2 months



  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    How do I open my diary? I tried and can't find it.

    Anyways, thanks for the suggestions so far. Basically, I'm a pesce-vegetarian (I don't eat meat except for seafood), and know I am lacking in protein most days. That said, I figured if I'm under calories it shouldn't matter.

    I eat whole grains, and sometimes over do the sugar, but am never over in sodium.

    I am almost 5'2" (just a smidge under), and while it seems like 125 is a good weight, it really doesn't look good on me. My arms are flabby, as is my belly and I have a big butt :)

    But I was 115 in college and also very muscular, I loved it, and that is my goal. I also like my shape at 120, so if I get there, but look good it's fine, I'm not obsessed with the number on the scale as long as I'm healthy and toned (flabby fat is not attractive).

    I have been noticing positive fitness improvements. I can work out for longer, and I can run a lot longer than I used to, so that's a good one.
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    I should post a picture of myself when I started this. I know 132 doesn't seem like a big starting weight, but I've got a tiny frame, not just height, but I have like no hip bones!
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    Why are you doing so much cardio if you want to tone? It seems like you're already at a good weight, you should be lifting weights and working on muscle building, not losing fat! Trust me, any problem you have with definition will vanish when you fill that skin out with some muscle underneath.

    A lot of women avoid lifting weights because they're afraid of looking masculine. What they don't realize is that unless you pump the iron seriously hard (hours a day w/ supplements, and even then you're lucky to maybe build .5 to 1lb of muscle a week compared to 1.5 to 2lb for a man), the results you'll see are going to make you look healthy, lift and fill out your sags, and give you more strength than you've ever had before.

    Building lean muscle will also help you lose those few stubborn pounds.

    So, as you can tell, I'd advocate lifting weights in your case :). You don't have to give up cardio, but I really do think it'd be the most 'bang for your buck.' If weights aren't your thing you can try calisthenics, P90x/Insanity/BeechBody/DVD #152, etc, or any resistance training set; but they key to your fitness is muscle. Don't be scared of the weights!
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    I do lift weights 3 days a week, and have for the last 9 weeks. I definitely have fat that needs to be lost, I'm telling ya'll. If anyone want me to take some pictures of it and send it to you I will. I'm not one of those people who thinks they need to lose weight when they are already really skinny :)
  • jdelana
    jdelana Posts: 22
    I would def look into what you are eating first of all. Second I would look into how hard you are working out. I could walk for 35 mints at a 3.0 and see nothing. I would eat a lot better and push yourself even harder in your workouts. I would maybe even cut back to doing weights 2 a week instead of 3.
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    Well that's good then! What kind of workouts are you doing with weights? Independent of the amount of weight you do I'd recommend squats and dead-lifts.

    Have you noticed strength gains, and if so, have you increased your workout yet?

    In any case, it seems like you're doing really good, I think you just need to remember to not give up. You have a good thing going and increasing your fitness will resolve these problems, one day at a time.
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks again for the encouragement.

    I've done basically the same reps and sets (3 sets of 10 reps), on all body parts, but have increased the weight every couple of weeks.

    I HAVE noticed a little bit bigger bicep and my quads are ripped, those muscles are majorly tight, but the fat around them (especially inner thigh and area under the butt) are super flabby and fatty. As I write this, my belly is spilling over my jeans about 4 inches :P
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    Honestly, it sounds like you're doing everything right, and I'd say that to very few people posting on these boards!

    Just keep it up, you're going to get there. Another forum I frequent has a female weightlifting thread that recommends this site for all the girls lookin to get swol (okay not really :smile:):


    It's a good, female-oriented site for weightlifting. Check out the getting-started for weightlifting along the top, they have a great short called "no fat chicks" that I think is pretty cool :wink:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I've been where you are. My problem was three-fold. First, I had been dieting for too long and needed to take a couple months and eat at maintenance (might not apply to you). Second, the exercise calories per MFP/Gym were much higher than I actually burn. I use a fitbit now and know what I burn. Third and most important, measure/weigh every single thing. Peanut butter? Measure it. Olive oil in the pan? Measure it. Boneless chicken breast? Do not assume 4 oz, get it on a scale!! (some of mine were 10+ oz's). Sauces, jams, cheese....weigh it/measure every bite you take. If you can't eat the regular portion size of something...get rid of it. My weakness was ice cream and I would assume/log 2 servings....not so much :noway: . More like 3-4 1/2 cup servings. So no more ice cream. No cheat days. A cheat item once or twice a month, maybe. Not a meal, not a day. One thing...maybe. If you're diligent.

    Chart your intake and weight. See where you've fallen off the plan and see how you should be losing compared to what is really happening. And be patient. Most of all, be patient.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    completely change your works. confuse your muscles. and if you are doing to much strength training you will bulk up so I've been told.
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    I think your situation is sufficiently different from the majority of us here -- somewhere between significantly and substantially into overweight and mostly just starting out with fitness -- to take a more advanced approach. I'd suggest listening more to the athletes here than people like me :) and looking into resources such as this site http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/adjusting-the-diet.html .

    You're in the excellent situation that you're healthy and under no need for fat loss to WORK RIGHT NOW -- take your time and figure out what deficit and what kind of exercise, and how much of it, would be right for you.
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks again everyone. This helped me put some things in perspective. I just thought with 1 pound a week, I'd be at goal weight and perfect by April, and now I know it just doesn't work like that! It may take a lot more time to lose that layer of fat and tone my muscles. I feel much better. Thank you!!! I'll look into the athletic stuff people have posted. I really like Muscle and Fitness Hers magazine, I'd love to have a body similar to those.
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Don't give up, it may seem hard now but keep exercising and eating healthily and the weight will slowly shift. Eating junk wont make you feel any better so fight temptation and keep on pushing! Good luck x
  • jfgstrack1
    You don't weigh very much...Maybe you're just right!
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    Actually my BMI is 24, on the boarder of overweight. Yes it's healthy, but so is 115. 115 is right in the middle of the healthy range for my height.
  • cremaster
    cremaster Posts: 16 Member
    How many times a day are you eating?