Dunkin Donuts Bagels and other BADS

Before I started using this website, I had been trying to lose weight for several months. Although I did lose 5 or so lbs, I thought that I should have been losing weight at a much faster pace. When I started entering what I had consumed on a daily basis I was shocked at what came up with one meal in particular. Everyday on my way into work, I would stop at Dunkin Donuts and Order a Large Coffee with cream and sugar, and a Garlic Bagel with Cream Cheese. I thought I was making a healthy choice but I guess I was wrong. When I entered the information from my meal, it came up with about 950 calories! I never in a million years would have figured there would be that many calories in a bagel with cream cheese and a coffee. I visited dunkin donuts website and went to their nutrition page just to verify the information. It was 100% accurate. I guess the moral of this story is just the fact that myfitnesspal.com really helps people see what they are truly consuming instead of one just assuming that certain foods have only certain amounts of calories which you may be way off on. From that point on, I no longer visit dunkin on a daily basis. I came up with an alternative breakfast which has only about half the calories and fills me up just fine. I also cut down the amount of cream and sugar I'm putting in my coffee and this has helped as well. Just from avoiding Dunkin, I have lost 2 lbs in my first week on this site. Another thing that is horrible for you if you're trying to lose weight is summer sausage which has 100 calories for a single little chunk, and movie theatre popcorn. The coconut oil the theatre uses is actually a solid lard below 78 degrees and it only turns into a liquid if it sits in 80+ degrees for an extended period of time. Also, one tablespoon of this oil has about 150 calories. They use 3 tablespoons to produce about 1 gallon of popped popcorn and then add all that salt. No wonder it tastes so good.


  • sarasotatim
    Yeah I'm a coffee lover myself, it's unfortunate how much that stuff contains :( I'm a Starbucks addict, but I've weaned myself to once a week, on Friday to have my latte..the rest of the time, low-fat creamer and splenda only. Wow garlic bagel with cream cheese, that sounds awesome! lol All in moderation I guess :)
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    It is shocking to see the calories in things we previously "thought" were not too bad . . . Im still learning apparently . . .

    went to the coffee shop with my husband a few weeks ago and was hungry so thought a plain cinnamon bun (less the heavy frosting) would be a better choice than a deep fried donut. When I got home and consulted their website the greasy jam filled donut was 330 calories . . . the unglazed plain cinnamon bun was a whopping 400 calories . . . geeze!
  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    I love coffee ... fortunately - I just drink it black .... no cream - no sugar :-)

    Jack Daniels on the other hand ..... that's *my* bad :-S
  • sarasotatim
    Oh yes, that's one of my other "favorites" lol :)

    Jack Daniels = GOOD
  • Bluesmilie
    Bluesmilie Posts: 161 Member
    I haven't had any coffee or sweets for 5 months now. It all sounds delicious, sometimes I just want to give in. :(

    I miss my sodas too.
  • sarasotatim
    Oh wow! The sweets I can handle, I'm not big on those anyway...but coffee....I wouldn't make it lol

    I had a few sips of a regular soda a few weeks ago, haven't had one in about 8 months...wow it was nasty! I usually just do Diet Green Tea now, that stuff is awesome :)
  • cheangela
    cheangela Posts: 173
    When I started working across the highway from a DD, I gained 25 pounds in 2 months. Now, I'm fortunate enough to live/work far enough from a DD to not be lured in. I'm a recovering "Hazelnut Black Coffee with egg/cheese everything bagel with 2 chocolate donut holes" addict.

    I'm right there with you :-).

    Bah, I miss bagels!

    Congrats on the weight loss!
  • sarasotatim
    Back in Houston a few years ago, living next to a Jack in the Box was my downfall lol Wow....bad across the board.
  • HuffHesitation
    Another bad I forgot to mention....... DRINKIN BEER!!!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Even the Multi grain bagel with reduced fat cream cheese at DD is about 500 calories! RIDICULOUS! They market it as a "healthy option" because it has like, 2 gms more of fiber.

    I could never give up coffee or else I believe I would perish! Switch out your cream for skim (or lowfat) milk and sugar for splenda. Nothing truly healthy will ever come from a drive-thru window! Just remember that!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have to say that's one thing I like about living in NYC - any restaurant with 5 or more locations has to post the calorie count on their menus. So you know exactly what you're ordering and it definitely influences what I choose. Even if I go into someplace with the intention of making a less healthy choice, I'll often modify that when I see the calorie count. It may be something small like no mayo on the grilled chicken sandwich but I know it knocks off 100 calories.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Is it wrong that just reading about the movie theater popcorn made my mouth water? lol I think so
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    Is it wrong that just reading about the movie theater popcorn made my mouth water? lol I think so

    Me too - it's my one food that I still will not EVER give up. Even on my cheat days, I still accidentally eat healthier than I used to.

    But movie theatre popcorn, no way. It's too good, I can't give it up. Ever. Ever ever ever ever. I love it sooooooooo much.

    Ok I'll shut up now haha
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Is it wrong that just reading about the movie theater popcorn made my mouth water? lol I think so

    Me too - it's my one food that I still will not EVER give up. Even on my cheat days, I still accidentally eat healthier than I used to.

    But movie theatre popcorn, no way. It's too good, I can't give it up. Ever. Ever ever ever ever. I love it sooooooooo much.

    Ok I'll shut up now haha

    I havent had it in soooo long. I get it with extra butter. guhhh i want it now. Thats the main reason why I liked going to the movies. lol
  • imbwy420
    I usually eat well all day long, but then about three days a week I drink beer or other alcohol. A six pack is an extra 600 calories at LEAST (and that's if you drink all light beers). I gotta put a limit on those - like maybe once a week - for the sake of my waistline and my liver.
  • HuffHesitation
    The Reason I know about this THEATRE popcorn is cause I have a popcorn machine in my home bar just like the theatre so after the beers start flowin everybody always HAS to HAVE popcorn made!! lol
  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    Omg! I had a similar experience... went to carls jr/green burrito out of everything on the menu I thought the simple bean and cheese burrito would be my best bet... to my dismay I came home and logged it... nearly 800 calories!!! Say what I shoulda just got the buger!
  • sarasotatim
    Talkin' with a friend recently about that stuff (movie theatre butter)...they said that it's actually not butter at all....that if you taste it alone, it's nasty, since it's essentially pure oil lol The salt in their popcorn activates the oil, and simulates a buttery taste....as good as it is, makes me not want it now lol
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    Wow didn't know that about the popcorn.. I am going to STAY CLEAR! lol

    But on another note.. I drink Bud 55 cal beer and its great!
  • HuffHesitation
    Talkin' with a friend recently about that stuff (movie theatre butter)...they said that it's actually not butter at all....that if you taste it alone, it's nasty, since it's essentially pure oil lol The salt in their popcorn activates the oil, and simulates a buttery taste....as good as it is, makes me not want it now lol

    you're right... its 100% coconut oil with beta carotine added for color. It gives your brain a false sensation that it it buttery when the salt is added to the mix