New Here

nikki128 Posts: 42
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there-

I am new here and wanting to lose 29 lbs. In the last 4 years I went from 230 to 145 and last year back up to 181. I am now at 174 and anxious to lose this weight. I would love some friends to support and be supported by.



  • nikki128
    nikki128 Posts: 42
    Hi there-

    I am new here and wanting to lose 29 lbs. In the last 4 years I went from 230 to 145 and last year back up to 181. I am now at 174 and anxious to lose this weight. I would love some friends to support and be supported by.

  • brandyjo
    brandyjo Posts: 47
    Hi Nikki!

    This is my first day on the site and I am already hooked! There is a ton of great advice on here. I have done the up and down weight loss for awhile and hope to keep it off for good this time.

    I wish you all of luck and success!
  • brandyjo
    brandyjo Posts: 47
    Hi Nikki!

    This is my first day on the site and I am already hooked! There is a ton of great advice on here. I have done the up and down weight loss for awhile and hope to keep it off for good this time.

    I wish you all of luck and success!
  • runawaybride
    runawaybride Posts: 400 Member
    Good luck and welcome!!! Congrats on your prior weightloss!!!
  • nikki128
    nikki128 Posts: 42
    Hi everyone-

    Thank you. I'll be honest during the week eating 1200 calories will be doable but weekends is so hard. My boyfriend has no interest in eating healthy and it is very hard when we go out to eat. But, I am here to do it. I want to reach my goal by my 30th birthday. That gives me 4 months.

  • bleachcse
    bleachcse Posts: 148 Member
    Welcome. This is a great place. Get that boyfriend under control. I know from experience that having someone that doesn't support your efforts can be the death of your weight loss plan. I've struggled with that for years. He's got to support you! My husband used to sabotage me every time I tried to lose weight, even if he didn't realize he was doing it. When I finally started being successful he saw how happy I was and joined in, and that's been the best thing that has happened to me with my weight loss. Again, welcome, and good luck!
  • nikki128
    nikki128 Posts: 42
    Thanks for your response bleach. He does not consciously sabotage me. He just always wants to go get something. Like last night he wanted cold stone I almost caved but I got a like it < smallest size> banana and strawberry smoothie < 230 calories>. I have to do it myself and not fall into peer pressure. This weekend I am throwing a bbq for my boyfriends birthday and I am making some healthy options to.
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