I miss bad food



  • Amajoy
    Amajoy Posts: 140 Member
    I miss burgers and fries, fried calimari, Red Lobster's cheddar biscuits, etc. BUT I miss my size 12 jeans more. 8(

    Ultimately its going to boil down to your personal goals. If you are wanting to be serious and hard core about it and lose a certain amount per week you are going to have to be strict, eat healthy/control calorie intake, and excercise. If you are okay with slowly losing the weight and having weeks where you may not lose anything then by all means have a nice meal every once in awhile.

    With either route you choose you need to be mentally prepared, if you go all in and are strict you have to control your cravings, if you are willing to see the scale not move and possibily even go up then eat the foods that make you happy in moderation.