
ok today i went over sodium and carbs I went 715 over sodium and 3 over carbs am I gnna gain weight


  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    No... not at all!! It takes 3500 extra calories to gain a pound. I regularly go over sodium and carbs (still working on that) and have been fine... just keep on getting your exercise in and staying under calories.
  • antipholous
    Calories should be your main concern. Calories in, calories out. If you expend more calories than you eat, you lose weight. If the inverse is true you gain weight.

    You went over 3 carbs today...each carb has 7 calories in it. You went 21 calories over budget (assuming you were maxed on fat and protein). That won't be a big deal at all.

    As for sodium, I don't really pay much attention to it, but sodium can soak up water weight and temporarily give you a few extra pounds on the scale. They'll go away if you eat a healthy amount of sodium for a few days.
  • natalia994
    natalia994 Posts: 31 Member
    Oh ok but I hope the sodium won't make me gain alot
    Gonna keep track now
  • antipholous
    Don't worry about the pounds you gain if you do...they're temporary. It's not hydrogenanted fat like the rest of you. It's H2O and very simple to get rid of.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Going over by such a minimal amount for one day isn't going to do anything.