Exercise with lower back injuries

I need to change my routine. I have discs in my lower back that have been ruptured 3 times. I used to do weights, but that causes my discs to swell and cause leg pain. Sit ups cause pain. After 2 back surgeries I have nothing in the discs. Mostly I walk the treadmill as suggested by my orthopedic surgeon to keep my back strong. I have been walking stairs also.

What other suggestions do you have. I am open to try anything once! :smile:


  • ctheslayer
    I'm sorry to hear about your back.

    Have you tried water aerobics or lap swimming?
  • katecarls
    My dad has the same issue, he tries doing a lot of stretches with his yoga ball and doing all of the pilates he possibly can. Deep breathing is semi-equivalent to yoga as well.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I am all for the water aerobics. I am on my way to my class here in a bit.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    My husband has serious back issues and uses the elliptical with success as well as the stairmaster. If you can handle the impact from a treadmill, these shouldn't cause you any problems. I don't have disc issues but have had problems in the past and have found that whenever I do any type of exercise, really focusing on tightening my core and holding it helps protect my back. Pilates and yoga are wonderful for your back too as well as the water exercises that have been mentioned.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    My dad has had two surgeries also and he can do the elliptical and treadmill.

    I have deteriating discs in my lower back and with proper form and with going lighter you can strengthen your back.

    Like my neurosurgeon said every pound in your belly is 5 pounds of pressure on your lower back . Just remember that when it comes with needing to work out.

    Also, you may want to talk to your doctor about other workouts that you can do other then the treadmill. They might have some great options for you.
  • colie1212
    I am right there with you actually just had a back surgical procedure today! I am joining water aerobics I did it once before and it went fine the water really does take the strain off your back and the pain! VERY LITTLE stress to the area at all and I did the warm water so it was mush nicer then the cold!

    Good luck!
  • Robin66
    Robin66 Posts: 103
    :flowerforyou: I have a terrible back, but have opted not to have any surgery at this point. I do the elliptical, the treadmill, some hiking and water aerobics. I will do 15 to 20 minutes on one thing and than move to another. Where one causes pain the other will cause numbness, so I just mix it up. I think stretching is extremely important. The one thing I can't do at all is any of the exercise bikes, they make my legs go numb in just a couple of minutes. I hope this helps, take care of yourself.:flowerforyou:
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks everyone for all of your suggestions. Now I have lots of good things to try. Much appreciated!:happy:

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