Im Teresa, Im new to

Hello everyone, my name is Teresa.
I have joined myfitnesspal today to hopefully gain some experience in living a healthier, better lifestyle.
I recently had a baby & its hard for me to stay on a strict study diet or even exercise for that matter.
But im hoping with i can keep track of what im eating & how much im exercising so that i can reach a weight goal for my self. I would love nothing more than to have a better elf esteem & to have more confidence in myself. It will help me be a happier human being. I hope that i can find inspiring and motivating friends here that can help me & support me on my journey. I wish to do the same back.
Lets hope this works! (:


  • NlKKA
    NlKKA Posts: 185 Member
    Welcome Teresa! I'm sending you a friend request now and wishing you the best of luck on your new journey of a healthy lifestyle.
  • jedday
    jedday Posts: 119
    welcome aboard. *kitten* kicking are to the left if you need them.. encourgement to the right... and support is all around you.. good luck and enjoy :)
  • tere791
    thanks everyone (:
  • katacha999
    welcome Teresa!

    Myfitnesspal - is full of encouraging people all on the same mission you are, well most of us anyhow! I am not here looking for the silver bullet that will let me eat what I want and keep a size 0 (sounds dreamy - but science isn't quite there!!) - I AM however looking forward to changing my perspective of how I feed this fabulous machine I call a body! :) I am relatively new on here and always looking for fellow motivators - so please feel free to add me as a friend if you wish!
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    This site is great. When you start keeping track of your food, and it's easy, you seem to eat less (true for me at least). I've cut back on just my grazing habits. And the support group here is wonderful. Add me as a friend if you want to.
  • HungryTuna
    Welcome Teresa! :flowerforyou: MFP is a great support tool and community!
  • peanutbutterpanic
    peanutbutterpanic Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Teresa!!! I'm only 12 days on this site & I love it. You've come to the right place for support and encouragement!1 I'm sending you a friend request, hope you accept :D GOOD LUCK!!