
well I gained 4 pounds. I used to eat 800-1000 calories a day but my friend told me to eat 1200 now i do but I've gained 4lb why is this happening. I mean I've been on my goal


  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Is it that time of the month for you? That can happen.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I think you are weighing in too much maybe, i see that you post a lot. Make sure sodium is down. You havent gained 4 lbs of fat. pssibly have some water in you though. And only weigh yourself in the morning. Doing it at night will cause your numbers to be off, since you are weight you and everything you ate and drank recently. Never go below 1200 calories or you really will store fat though!

    Good luck to you :]
  • natalia994
    natalia994 Posts: 31 Member
    Yes I know. Ok I'm gist hoping for the best. I hope I really did gain and yes Naomi cause I just drank 1 liter of water and I was full so I'm just gonna hope for the best
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    oh yea! just remember 16 oz in a lb. for every water bottle you drink the scale is going to say you are a pound heavier until it flushes out xD
  • Manda_H
    at 800 calories your body would be going into a type of starvation mode wouldn't it? I think your metabolism would be very sluggish and once you ate 1200 your body is grabbing onto the extra food expecting to need to store it for the next time you go back to only 800 cals. I think you should keep your calories up to 1200 and not go under. You might gain a little bit as you retrain your metabolism but it will come back around. It would be very difficult to only have 800 calories every day for the rest of your life. It might cause quick losses but unless you want to gain a lot of it back when you get tired of eating so little you are boundt o put your weight back on. Try to make this a lifestyle change that you can continue for the rest of your life so you never have to battle weight again!