Wii EA Active 2

We just bought the AE Active 2 and so far it is a good workout! I was excited to read that two people could work out together on it, but am now disappointed to find out that you need the second set of bands for the second person. Have any of you purchased the extra bands? If so, were you able to find them alone, or did you have to buy the whole thing again?



  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You should be able to use any resistance band. It doesn't have to be *that* one. But I've seen off-brand kits on Amazon with just bands and weights for the game.
  • harmonymusictchr
    Oh, I mis-spoke. The resistance bands are not what I was talking about...I meant the arm and leg bands that you wear to control the "game." Sorry!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Ah. Well that I do'nt know. :-P I'd look on Amazon.