HCG-Friendly? Need advice

Let me say upfront: I know many people are not cool with this method, so if you are one of those who feels determined to educate me in the errors of my ways, this thread is not for you. I shall not be moved.

HCG-Comrades: I am in R1P2VLCD27. BodyShaper drops which are not hhcg but not script either. EPT-passed.

I have lost 18 lbs since 1/03. I know, I know... I should be happy. I generally eat pretty healthy (Mediterranean), but have been working too much the last year, which led to a significant weight gain. Like 40 freakin' pounds of significance.

I'm DYIN' ovah here. I won't lie... as an admitted "foodie" who is utterly addicted to competitive cooking shows like Iron Chef, this has been excruciating, despite performing saintly miracles with mere spices. Food-wise, I promise I have not cheated. In fact, I often under-eat because I'm not interested, but I do have vodka occasionally, and it never seems to affect my losses; often it helps. Cottage cheese seems to do the worst damage so I cut it out. (And anyway, if you like to drink, how can you NOT drink on this diet and still keep your sanity? Sheesh.)

I didn't understand the whole timing thing for a woman, and my (male) boss challenged me to do HCG after Jan 1st, so we started together. He'd already done a round before and dropped weight like a stone, so it got my attention. But he also bragged that men lose weight faster than women. Oh, it was ON. Might as well have been a Double-Dog Dare.

Genius me, I started TOM 10 days later, had to come off the drops, minimal fluctuation/stall for a week and then a VERY slow decline. But now another stall. I'm trying to go a long round (40 days) because I have 50+ to lose and am quite tired of this asceticism already, so the fewer rounds I have to go, the better.

My question is: at what point do you draw the line and just go into P3 to take a break? Mentally, I don't know if I can do two more weeks just to fluctuate within the same 5 lb range for nothing, if my body's truly determined to be stubborn. I know the break in the middle of my round kinda screwed things up but I thought I could recover by going a long round. I've done two apple days so far (once just because nothing else sounded good) but I get incredibly dizzy and am exhausted by 8pm every night. I don't want to give up because I know it's working overall and I'm incredibly impatient by nature, but I wonder if it's just time to throw in the towel on this round, take a break and give it another shot in a few weeks.

I was trying to avoid 3 rounds, but now it seems unavoidable, which is depressing. I should be happy with the progress, I know, but I'm overly ambitious about everything and can only see how much farther I still have to go; I just want to get it over with.

Anyone else been here?

P.S. Boss already quit at VLCD23 with 24 lbs down, so his smug little smirk only adds to my irritation. Silly, I know, but that's how we roll. (We are actually friends.)


  • maricari
    maricari Posts: 133
    Let me say upfront: I know many people are not cool with this method, so if you are one of those who feels determined to educate me in the errors of my ways, this thread is not for you. I shall not be moved.

    HCG-Comrades: I am in R1P2VLCD27. BodyShaper drops which are not hhcg but not script either. EPT-passed.

    I have lost 18 lbs since 1/03. I know, I know... I should be happy. I generally eat pretty healthy (Mediterranean), but have been working too much the last year, which led to a significant weight gain. Like 40 freakin' pounds of significance.

    I'm DYIN' ovah here. I won't lie... as an admitted "foodie" who is utterly addicted to competitive cooking shows like Iron Chef, this has been excruciating, despite performing saintly miracles with mere spices. Food-wise, I promise I have not cheated. In fact, I often under-eat because I'm not interested, but I do have vodka occasionally, and it never seems to affect my losses; often it helps. Cottage cheese seems to do the worst damage so I cut it out. (And anyway, if you like to drink, how can you NOT drink on this diet and still keep your sanity? Sheesh.)

    I didn't understand the whole timing thing for a woman, and my (male) boss challenged me to do HCG after Jan 1st, so we started together. He'd already done a round before and dropped weight like a stone, so it got my attention. But he also bragged that men lose weight faster than women. Oh, it was ON. Might as well have been a Double-Dog Dare.

    Genius me, I started TOM 10 days later, had to come off the drops, minimal fluctuation/stall for a week and then a VERY slow decline. But now another stall. I'm trying to go a long round (40 days) because I have 50+ to lose and am quite tired of this asceticism already, so the fewer rounds I have to go, the better.

    My question is: at what point do you draw the line and just go into P3 to take a break? Mentally, I don't know if I can do two more weeks just to fluctuate within the same 5 lb range for nothing, if my body's truly determined to be stubborn. I know the break in the middle of my round kinda screwed things up but I thought I could recover by going a long round. I've done two apple days so far (once just because nothing else sounded good) but I get incredibly dizzy and am exhausted by 8pm every night. I don't want to give up because I know it's working overall and I'm incredibly impatient by nature, but I wonder if it's just time to throw in the towel on this round, take a break and give it another shot in a few weeks.

    I was trying to avoid 3 rounds, but now it seems unavoidable, which is depressing. I should be happy with the progress, I know, but I'm overly ambitious about everything and can only see how much farther I still have to go; I just want to get it over with.

    Anyone else been here?

    P.S. Boss already quit at VLCD23 with 24 lbs down, so his smug little smirk only adds to my irritation. Silly, I know, but that's how we roll. (We are actually friends.)

    I am not sure I can answer your question but wanted to let you know that there is a hCG thread on MHP. Look for it. They have great advice and it might be helpful to you. I have started the hCG drops this month and love it. I am concerned about you feeling faint and dizzy. That could mean you need a larger dose. Check it out.