How do you handle a smorgasborg?

dlrhall Posts: 5
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi All,

Ok, so I already know that we're not supposed to dine at a smorgasborg in the first place, but this weekend I went to a 2-day conference where 3 meals were included in the conference cost. Two of the 3 meals were self-serve smorgasborgs with foods I couldn't resist. So I took about a tablespoon of everything I liked (in addition to the "healthy stuff" that I just tolerate). I just wanted a taste.

Now aside from the fact that I don't remember half of what I ate, I didn't have time to list every tablespoon of food to get a calorie count. What would you do under these circumstances -- "guesstimate" or enter nothing?


  • brendabuckeye
    brendabuckeye Posts: 53 Member
    I make myself enter everything. I know it is a pain, but entering every bite of EVERY thing keeps me much more responsible. I also know when I am filching a bite (even one) of something I shouldn't have, that it will be a pain to figure it out and have to enter it. That usually keeps me from repeating it again. Enter it as close as you can - keep yourself honest! It works for me!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    yeah. i dont bother entering anything. if its going to be that wildly inaccurate, i just try harder the next day. After all, this is theoretically a lifestyle change, and a lifestyle includes days where, well, life gets in the way :).
  • I am a total control freak and I HAD to decide for my own sanity that one meal...once a week I go out to eat with my husband and because I am a control freak and cant STOP thinking about calories I was not enjoying our one cheat meal (date lunch w/o our 4 kids) so I decided that no matter what, whether healthy or less than I would not worry about the calories that I DO try to eat less and smarted the rest of the day and I am usually full faaaaar sooner than I used to be. So after my looooong answer :) I do not add my one meal even if I am at an all you can eat buffet...:)
  • Skip it. You can track what you eat tomorrow. BTW, great job. Sneaking a tablespoon of something you like is no big deal. Not good to deprive yourself. :bigsmile:
  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    I think you should log what you remember having. Once you sit down and start entering you might remember more. This will help you the next time you are in a similar situation. If you don't remember all of it, don't fret it. It's more for education than anything else.

    As Melissa said, I'd call it a wash, but still log it for future references.
  • Smorgasborgs are tough..... I would suggest you enter what you do remember,(as best you can)... it keeps you honest with yourself, helps you see what you had, how it affected your daily balance. taste of things here and there, i don't believe in punishing myself either. Otherwise you give up. and that gets you nowhere. So YOU choose to count or not as you see fit. Is that ambiguous enough or what. :huh: .... All i am trying to say is this..... you signed up on MFP for a reason. Do the best you can ., and we all will help you celebrate YOUR victories. :heart: :wink:
    Cat :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    I would log as much as possible.

    When I eat outside of the house, I've been jotting down what I ate in a little notebook so I don't forget later. Not that that can help you right now, but maybe for the future.
  • Depends on my mood, lol, some times I just don't log it, other times I just put do wn 5000 calories, lol. In other words ate too much and am way over!
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    First plate: pile high with fruits and veggies from the dessert part
    Second a cup of soup, eat slow and enjoy
    Third whatever you want. Hopefully you'll be getting full by now.
  • These were all great suggestions! I think I shall side with the majority and just call it a wash, but not let it happen too often :happy: Thanks for your input!
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