Join me on the 30 Day Shred If you LIke

THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello! I'm starting the 30 Day Shred tomorrow. I'm starting at 251.4 and I'm hoping to end up at like...240 or less (they say 20 lbs in the 30 days!) We will see!!!! Anywho...My plan:

=Shred 1x/Day for 30 Days
=3X/Week: 45 Min in the Gym (Cardio/Weights)
=Stay Under Calories each day!!!

My original goal was to be at 238 by Feb 28, but I will take 240 and less flabby!! :) I'm looking for help and motivation here, so if you are willing to join me or Keep the inspiration flowing, JOIN!- PLEASE JOIN :)

Current Weight: 251.4 Current Size: BIG LOL
End of Shred Goal Weight: 238 GOAL: Smaller than BIG!!


    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Hello! I'm starting the 30 Day Shred tomorrow. I'm starting at 251.4 and I'm hoping to end up at like...240 or less (they say 20 lbs in the 30 days!) We will see!!!! Anywho...My plan:

    =Shred 1x/Day for 30 Days
    =3X/Week: 45 Min in the Gym (Cardio/Weights)
    =Stay Under Calories each day!!!

    My original goal was to be at 238 by Feb 28, but I will take 240 and less flabby!! :) I'm looking for help and motivation here, so if you are willing to join me or Keep the inspiration flowing, JOIN!- PLEASE JOIN :)

    Current Weight: 251.4 Current Size: BIG LOL
    End of Shred Goal Weight: 238 GOAL: Smaller than BIG!!

    OOOps! I meant to post how I am going to take pictures of before and at 15 & 30 days to see if I can see any changes!! I hope I can!
  • jgoff3003
    jgoff3003 Posts: 189 Member
    I just started I am on day two of level one today and I can feel it. I am doing the modified push ups but trying to push and to all the other ones fully.

    I am currently on 69kgs and want to get down to 65 (i know it is wishful thinking) I too photos, measurements and weight on day one, I will take photos on day 15 and 30 as well and measurements on every monday (as I do normally) I am going to try to stay under my 1200 cals per day and ensure that I still get my 60mins of cardio in Mon-friday (so an addition 43mins monday to friday) and only do the shred on the weekend...A sister has got to rest!

    Add me if you like and we can share stories and motivate each other.
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    I just purchased it this morning on a website.... so hopefully I will be starting soon :)
    I'm so excited! I go to the gym everyday and have PT sessions twice a week so hopefully it gives me a massive boost!
    Im starting at 83kgs aiming for 73kgs by may!
    so fingers crossed that we can do this!!!!!

    Good luck and keep me posted, ive sent you a request!
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