New to the site...

Hi, my name is Andy and I'm here because while i excersise regularly i used to keep a journal of what i ate throughout the day and it helped alot. I lift pretty heavy and about a month ago i found out i partially tore one of the tendons in my rotator cuff so i haven't really been hitting the gym and gained some weight back. I'm still rehabing it but started just yesterday lifting light and figured my workout routine would be more cardio and more circuit training for now and work on bulking up later after i'm healed. A friend invited me here so just saying hi to all! any questions or comments welcome, as i may be able to help some since when i'm focused i'm usually able to achieve my goals, and these food journal sites definitely help!:happy:


  • jedday
    jedday Posts: 119
    this is a great site.. what weights can i do to help lose weight the best i don't want to bulk up
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    hi! welcome to mfp. this site is definitely helpful. it certainly has been to me. =) good luck and i hope you recover soon!