
I'm new to myfitnesspal, but I want to share my story. In 2003 I topped the scale around 230lbs at age 20 (insert sigh). That summer I made the decision to lose weight and since then I have. In spring 2005 I weighed 152lbs, the lowest since I was about 14. Since then my weight range has been between 160-185 lbs.

For the past few weeks I have been eating healthy majority of the time and working out 6 days a week. I really do love the gym. Needless to say I stepped on the scale this morning and noticed I gained weight and I just started crying. Not a wailing cry, but the quite depressed tears. For whatever reason I can't seem to lose the rest of the weight (I would like to weight in around 145lbs). I don't know what to de....I REALLY just want to give up!!!!! Even as I type this I am crying.

Just wanted to share.


  • mandalina23
    Hey there. Let me share my story with you as well. Let see it was 2004 - 05 I went from about 220 lbs to just around 150 in the next couple of years I managed to hit just undet 140 lbs, I now have gained about 30 lbs back and am so utterly dissapointed in myself I would love to get back to aboud 135lbs or less.

    I have shed my share of tears, bc I don't want to be big again like I was. I want my boyfriend to always look at me with those, You are so beautiful eyes, I want to look in the mirror without seeing that big girl I used to see all the time. I know I can do it, because I want to, and I will not let anyone including myself get in the way. I started working out 3 mornings a week, and joined an indoor soccer team that plays every Tuesday night.

    What workouts are you doing? Are you pushing yourself, i used to say the same thing "I workout!" But I really wasn't WORKING OUT. Or I am eating healthy, but the cheat snacking here and there wasn't helping.

    You will love this site because everyone here, are serious about their goals, it will motivate you! There are so many people who will support you in your journey and we'll reach our weight goals together! There are recipe resources, excercise tips etc that will help too! Good luck and here if you need to talk! ;)
  • ToughGirl24
    ToughGirl24 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. I really felt your frustration. Many of us could relate to exactly what you are saying, but the thing you might want to think about is the fact that you are not a quitter. Look at how you have taken yourself from a very high weight and worked very hard to lose weight to begin with. Plus, you haven't given up, you are just looking for the reason weight is not coming off. I think it is awesome that you are working to find that solution. Give yourself credit for your goals, and for sticking with the fact that you deserve to feel good about yourself and how you want to look.

    I am no expert, but I have dealt with weight and health issues a large majority of my life. I don't know if you work with your doctor on your dietary selections or if you are following a particular dietary plan, but what is working for me is to make sure I am eating balanced meals, I am cooking with healthier ingredients, I am doing small and healthy snacks to keep my metabolism going, and I am keeping below my calorie count.

    If you have a support network of a friend or two that would do Fitness Pal with you that would be great too. It helps keep you motivated.

    Anyway, I wish you all the success in the world because it isn't easy what you have taken on to do for YOU and I think it is great that you aren't a quitter!

    Good luck!
  • Amyhue
    Amyhue Posts: 17 Member
    Oh you are not alone! Definately take a good look at whether you are feeding yourself correctly. Keep the fire stoked all day long with smaller good snackies. It keeps the cravings away and allows us to build muscle when we are not exercising. You have probably heard this all before, but it's strangely true. Our female bodies want to conserve our calories and energy any way they can. The older I get, the more patient I must be with all of this. And stay away from the scale for two weeks. It will just drive you nuts at this stage in the game.
  • reikichris
    Don't give up, you can do it!

    I was in a very similar boat. Keeping a meticulously accurate food dairy (I added the two pretzels sticks my toddler shared with me yesterday) and fitness diary has helped me.

    I have read a few threads on the dreaded Plateau, which I think I have hit :(. I am changing up my exercise routine to help me get over this hump. I am also going to purchase a heart rate monitor, thanks to the suggestion of some very kind members here who offered me some great advice. Hopefully this will give me a more accurate reading of my burned calories so I can make sure that I am eating the correct amount. Until them, I use a GPS tracker on my phone to track the calories I burn during a walk.

    It has also helped me so much to look at some of the delicious and lo-calorie recipes shared on this site. Adding variety to my meals and snacks helps me keep my caloric intake in check.

    I hope this helps some. You can do it!