Just Started!

Looking for any advice on what I may need to get started on my life change... this is always the difficult part for me... :smile: But I know with the help of new friends and this program... I am on my way to better health.


  • sarasotatim
    Hey! Welcome :) The site is a great way to get started, I just basically changed the way I ate, follow your calorie/fat guidelines....excercise and don't forget to strength train! Makes a world of difference, even for you ladies :) Good luck!!
  • suliah
    suliah Posts: 8 Member
    I just joined yesterday-- got the app on my phone and now I'm online. It's really cool, I love the predictions about what you will weigh in the future if "every day is like today" LOL! It's a bit of an incentive!
  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    Welcome! Surround yourself with a good support system, both here and at home. Make a plan and work your plan. Most of all, believe in yourself and have fun! :-)