
Well, I got my BodyBugg yesterday. I LOVE it!!! I was shocked at the difference in what I thought I was burning and what I actually burned was. I did great with it on my first day as far as meeting my defecit goal and hope to do the same until I get this last 30 pounds off.


  • becky444
    becky444 Posts: 145 Member
    So how does it actually work? Ive been thinking of getting one but wonder if it is worth it.
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    You wear it on your upper arm all day long. You go into the website and put in everything you eat throughout the day (just like on here) and then at the end of the day, you plug it into your computer with the USB and it tells you how many calories you burned. You are supposed to end the day with a 1000 calorie defecit. I plugged mine in about half way through the day to make sure I was on track. It charges on the computer also. I just plugged mine in while I showered and then put it right back on when I got out of the shower. Some people don't sleep with theirs on and I might not always, but I plan on as much as possible.