Does Dr Oz know what he's talking about?

I love the Dr Oz Show and I love to hear the new things about dieting but my boyfriend said that he doesnt really know what he is talking about and girls will just believe it. So i am asking you... does he know what he is talking about? I feel he does but i was just curious.


  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I love the Dr Oz Show and I love to hear the new things about dieting but my boyfriend said that he doesnt really know what he is talking about and girls will just believe it. So i am asking you... does he know what he is talking about? I feel he does but i was just curious.

    That's a good question. Tony Horton says to stay away from coffee and Dr oz says 6 cups a day for men to help prevent prostate cancer. Do I drink it or not? YIKES!!!!!
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    I love Dr Oz too. And, I think your your boyfriend doesn't know what he is talking about. Dr Oz is great and he knows what he is talking about.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I am never home to watch his show but when would come on Oprah, before I started working again, I was very interested in what he had to say. He seems to be very straightforward!
  • yourmamasaidwha
    Oprah says he knows, lol...that's how he got big...Oprah's poop! he totally led a part on Oprah about it, and well, he seems to know his stuff, but at the same time, there are conflicts here and there, just like everyone else...did you know that people (other fitness trainers) say Jillian Michaels sucks and that she doesn't fully know what she's doing? But, I still love her enthusiasm, drive and passion for fitness...I would say it's all in eyes of the beholder...

    Oprah made: Dr. Oz big - Nate Berkhus - Racheal Ray and others...even Dr. Phil was brought to light by Oprah...
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    hes got some good informatiion, I watch him , but his demonstrations are kinda out there.....but all in all, its a good show......Lloyd
  • fat214
    fat214 Posts: 109
  • Charrisse
    I love dr oz, dr phil and the doctors.
    I get check ups and therapy daily - for free.
  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    Yeserday, Dr. Oz discussed the right time to exercise, weigh, etc. To me, it made a lot of sense and I am going to give his suggestions a try.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Does your boyfriend have his M.D? No? Then he's 100% wrong.

    Whether you agree with Dr. Oz 100% is debatable but that's not his fault, for every study "proving" the cause and effect of a certain product there are 10 stating this is incorrect and proclaim another product does this action better.

    What Dr Oz does well is provide visual aids for the middle-aged high school-level housewife who needs a visual to grasp the knowledge being presented or anyone else who learns better with visual demonstrations.
  • BoxingChick
    BoxingChick Posts: 124 Member
    I think he knows what he is talking about. He always promotes eating healthy and exercising as a life style and doesn't believe in fad he looks great!
  • kcphilly
    He's a heart surgeon with a really good reputation and awards before Oprah "discovered" him so yes I do trust him. I've learned a lot about how the body works from him, to tips for healthy snacks.

    I also trust him cause he will be the first to say he doesn't know everything. A lot of doctors act like they do.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Oz knows what he is talking about within his belief system. I've caught some of his stuff a few times and think he gives both good and bad advice. But that opinion also comes from my belief system. Not everything works for everyone or all of this health and nutrition stuff would be simple. Keep in mind all the back tracking the medical community has to do on drugs, treatments, general health, cholesterol, saturated fats, fat in general, high carb etc.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I have know idea...but he does have a diet book ....You on a diet.
    I think there are a few of them. He writes them with someone else.
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    Is your boyfriend a Dr? If not I'd take him with a grain of salt. If so, then maybe ask him why he thinks these things. I'd be curious to hear.

    Dr Oz is a media personality, yes, but his advice is not sensationalized (ie, he warns against fad diets and fasts.) I trust most of what he says to be true.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I think if he was spewing harmful & untruthful information there would have been an uproar by now. What I like about him is that he is willing to question his guest theories. He also tries them out to prove if they hold water .

    I dvr him & the doctor's. I've learned a lot about myself through those shows. I've been able to research some stuff & talk to my pcp about some topics more indepth.
  • rautaty
    rautaty Posts: 44 Member
    Is your bf a nutritionist, doctor, biologist or nurse? if not, then he is the one who doesn't know what he is talking about.
    Dr. Oz, has a prime objectif, to share information and educate the general population. Most of the information he is presenting comes from his experience in his job field or the new publications of dif. researches.
    For exemple, there is a large debate on the benefits and desadventages of drinking coffee. Some health care professionals say to avoid coffee and the general opinion is based on what gouvernement, or scientists, with the help of media, point to us. Why so? i think because coffee is a natural a mild stymulant, that's why it causes mild addiction. Cocaine does the same, but on a much more greater scale! But, i guess coffee, like tea and wine have antioxydants and from this perspective it's benefical for our health.
    My point is, what general population doesn't understand is that there is no black and white when it comes to medical professions and how a human body works. There is still a lot to discover and learn about living organisms, especialy on a molecular level.

    So, it's your choice when you want to lose weight, to listen to the advice of an non-medical profetionalist or a medical one, like a nutritionist or a doctor.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    I love the Dr Oz Show and I love to hear the new things about dieting but my boyfriend said that he doesnt really know what he is talking about and girls will just believe it. So i am asking you... does he know what he is talking about? I feel he does but i was just curious.

    That's a good question. Tony Horton says to stay away from coffee and Dr oz says 6 cups a day for men to help prevent prostate cancer. Do I drink it or not? YIKES!!!!!

    Coffee contains tannins which has been touted to help prevent prostate cancer in scientific studies. This is the basis for Dr. Oz's recommendation. Tannins are also found in tea and wines so I'm not sure why he focused on coffee. Maybe because people love it so much. I didn't see that episode but hope (and am sure he did) his recommendation was for decaffeinated coffee. :)

    Those of us in the medical field are taught and must practice reading and interpreting scientific studies. I personally have taken part in several scientific studies which was interesting but it wasn't something I want to do for a living (too boring for me). I trust Dr. Oz because he is has a stellar reputation in the medical field and with health professionals in general. I don't necessarily agree with every little thing he says, but that's not uncommon in the health field! If it were then there wouldn't be as many debates out there! Health and nutrition will never be an exact science.

    Tony Horton is a fitness instructor. I would go to him or Jillian Michaels any day hands down for advice on the body or working out. They both have some great tips and a wealth of knowledge but neither of them have a scientific background that I can find. I love them though!

    Next time your boyfriend brings it up, I'd ask him to whip out his medical degree or to keep silent. MEN! lol
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Oz knows what he is talking about within his belief system. I've caught some of his stuff a few times and think he gives both good and bad advice. But that opinion also comes from my belief system. Not everything works for everyone or all of this health and nutrition stuff would be simple. Keep in mind all the back tracking the medical community has to do on drugs, treatments, general health, cholesterol, saturated fats, fat in general, high carb etc.

    My thoughts exactly. :wink:
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I dont like to watch medical shows to much because if I did I would never eat anything and be too paranoid! everything is BAD!!...but Dr.oz did teach me 1 thing that has helped me sooo much in my nutrition and thats worth me thinking he does know his stuff! plus hes thin. Dr.phil in the other hand...on weight stuff...i dont wanna hear him...
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    Oz knows what he is talking about within his belief system. I've caught some of his stuff a few times and think he gives both good and bad advice. But that opinion also comes from my belief system. Not everything works for everyone or all of this health and nutrition stuff would be simple. Keep in mind all the back tracking the medical community has to do on drugs, treatments, general health, cholesterol, saturated fats, fat in general, high carb etc.

    Totally agree.

    I've never actually seen his show, but the thing about TV doctors, therapist, etc. is that in an attempt to reach the largest audience they are forced to speak broadly. There are so many caveats to any medical recommendation, and medical research has new findings every day that we need to take all the advice with caution and a grain of salt. Dr. Oz might know his stuff but is unable to address all of the necessary details in the time allotted to him. It's probably best to take anything said as a jumping off point to do your own research as is relevant to your own medical circumstance.