Confession about exercising...



  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I think you should start seeing weight drop each week, maybe just a pound or two but that is GOOD progress :) Also I think if you aren't very into exercising/can't seem to get yourself to do it that P90X may be a little too intense to start out with, it might discourage you and that wouldn't be good. We have it at home and I've seen the stuff they do, I know I couldn't do it not yet anyway!

    I started off with Slim in 6 (by the same company) because it looks pretty simple but boy does it kick my butt, pretty sure I'm going to do Turbo Jam (also same company, they have so many different programs) next and then maybe try P90X if I feel up to it. I've never really been big on exercise videos in the past because I felt silly but I've gotten over that and found that I enjoy doing Slim in 6 each night, I just started last week and I'm already seeing some progress so I'm happy. Like someone else said it takes 21 days to form a habit so even if you don't like it by the end of those days you will be doing it out of habit :)
  • renkum
    what about joing a class thats fun, something that you can meet people and work together in? Any of the BTS classes will give you this eg bodypump, bodycombat, rpm etc etc give it a try ! good luck
  • Rae12
    Rae12 Posts: 15 Member
    hi Clewliss,

    thank you for being brave enough to share!!

    i wanted to be a runner and when i started i realized i didn't like running. so, now i walk to leslie sansone's videos a couple of days a week. i didn't necessarily feel better afterwards and had some weird muscle stiffness. so i tried a few other things, bootcamps, wii games, including zumba and then found american power yoga, which i LOVE and look forward to.i feel so relaxed after and feel like i can carry that feeling into the rest of my day. i guess the secret for me was to try different things until i found something i really liked and will stick with. also, i love that it's group classes and there's a camaraderie there.

    i wish you lots of luck!
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    I really dislike the gym-- people always turn on the TV there (I really dislike television, and find the noise of it in the background detracts from anything else I'm trying to do), so I prefer running alone along the wooded trails near my home, hiking with my best friends, walking the dog-- anything outdoors, really. I've also found that I REALLY love yoga. It is wonderful, and I feel so great after going that I actually WANT to go as many times a week as I can make space for. I go to the gym every once in a while, but I don't live there by any means.

    I think that's honestly the most important thing-- finding something that you truly love-- because then the exercise isn't a chore anymore, but a beautiful thing that helps connect you to your body, your loved ones, the outdoors, or whatever your passion is.
  • MsSaturday
    MsSaturday Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for all your advice! I have decided that p90x is NOT where I'm going right now :) I guess I sounded a little lazy and I'm really not- I live on a farm and I'm forever out with the animals feeding, walking, sometimes running after some or whatever the case, even going up in the hills to check on the cattle daily, so I'm at least moving around alot, but I just consider that all in a days work! I do get out with the hubby and kids and play basketball and from that point of view, I do quite a bit. I just feel guilty I guess b/c I don't log any of that and feel like I should be on an exercise routine. But like some of you said, maybe I should listen more to my body and keep doing whats working! Thanks mfpers:wink:

    I'm the same way, I hate exercising, but 5 days a week I jump on the treadmill while my house is empty or asleep, I look at it as "me time" it eases stress and I feel like the 30 minutes i'm just walking I can really think and clear my head. When I don't make it on there it's usually because I've been out on my little "farm" tending to animals and cleaning. That's a pretty good workout carrying around 50 lb sacks of feed and bails of hay. So I agree with PP's, just listen to your body, if you have the desire and the energy exercise, If not then just try and take the harder path when doing your chores. I have MFP friends who don't logg exercise and they're are still losing, every ones different.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I hate exercising. I am a naturally lazy person. Even when I was a kid, I would rather read a book than play a sport. Now, I like watching a movie, reading, taking a bath, etc, WAY more than exercising. I dread it before, I hate doing it during, and I am tired and hate it afterwards. That's honesty.

    However, I KNOW I am not going to get anywhere if I don't exercise. I love food. I love food much more than I love being lazy. That was the decision I had to make: laziness or food. Food won. So I allow myself a few more carbs and a few more calories than I think a "dieter" should eat (MFP has me at about 1540 a day before exercise) but I also work out 6 days a week (minimum) and try to burn about 3000 calories a week on average. For me, it was about finding something quick. I do a lot of 30 minute programs, I have kick boxing and dancing and interval training.

    When I am really not feeling motivated, I head outside. I have realized that walking forces me to exercise because once I am out there, I can't get back any other way. I HAVE to walk home. I usually start losing oomph about 25 minutes in, but then I realize I am only 1/2 way home so I keep it up. The faster I walk, the faster I can get home. It's absolutely ridiculous, and I know it, but it works! :smile:

    Like others have said, P90x is REALLY intense. If you aren't already in pretty good shape, you could burn yourself out or even injure yourself. There are a lot of high impact exercises that can be hard on your joints, but if you are in OK condition and you don't have joint problems you could try it. Especially if you already have it.

    Good luck!
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I agree with what a lot of what has already been said - find something you love and do that. I don't care for exercising, especially in a gym. It's boring and I stop going after a week or two. I'm able to do Jillian Michaels videos because they're short workouts, but for my longer workouts, I loooooove doing dance-type stuff, so I take a Zumba class, got Zumba for the Wii, and have a bunch of high energy "dance type" videos on my Amazon wishlist. If I like it, I'm much more apt to keep doing it and not get bored.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I enjoy outdoor exercise only. I wasn't successful at sticking with it until I realized I didn't need a home gym to walk or run. I just needed to walk out my front door. Easy to say from Sunny Florida, but if you really want to do something, you'll find a way to do it. Good luck.
  • judykritikos
    EXERCISE just sounds awful. You lilve on a farm, so you're already exercising, you just dont' call it that. Exercise can be anything you want it to be - walking, lifting things and carrying them, swimming, playing with kids - anything that gets you up and moving. It can be hard (weights, that P60 thingy you mentioned), or it can be easy - walking, cleaning. I don't mind walking alone - I put my iPod on and listen to my books on CD. I LOVE to exercise in the Zumba classes with a friend - we talk about it, laugh about ourselves, and it's fun because my friends are there to share it. I think whatever you do - you need to LIKE it, and if you have someone you can do it with - it makes it more fun.
    I read that P60 thing you mentioned is 60-90 minutes a day? NO WAY, JOSE. I'm doing Jillian Michaels' 30-day shred. It's 20 min, it's a little intense, but it's fast and you move thru it - before you know it, it's done. I'm on Day 6 of level 2 - so I'm 1/2 way there.
    Hopefully you'll find something you like - and someone you like - to do it with!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Confession: I hated all forms of formal exercise up until this past year. I liked being active - hiking, walking the dog - and being strong enough to rearrange furniture and stuff like that, but the thought of exercise for exercises' sake... bleah.

    But I was jealous of my older brother's ability to run in 5k races with his 25 year old daughter. I envied them, but didn't think I could do it. Until a friend of my niece's was talking at a party about the Warrior Dash, a 5k obstacle race where you jump fire and crawl through mud, and get a viking hat and a beer at the end of it all. It sounded like a crazy good time, and the friend wasn't exactly Ms Athlete, and she was going to do it. It was six months away, and I made that my goal.

    Somewhere along the line, probably when I started seeing major changes to my body and health, I realized... this exercising thing is kind of fun! I'm a convert! It became a habit. I'd be lying if I didn't say there weren't some days when all I want to do is stay in bed, but more often than not, I look forward to exercising because I feel so damn good when I finish. (And admittedly, some days, it only feels good when I do finish...)
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I don't work out. Ever. Well, that's a lie, i did C25K day 1 week 1 once. I'm down 50 lbs in 4 months. *hides*
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    I really dislike the gym-- people always turn on the TV there (I really dislike television, and find the noise of it in the background detracts from anything else I'm trying to do), so I prefer running alone along the wooded trails near my home, hiking with my best friends, walking the dog-- anything outdoors, really. I've also found that I REALLY love yoga. It is wonderful, and I feel so great after going that I actually WANT to go as many times a week as I can make space for. I go to the gym every once in a while, but I don't live there by any means.

    I think that's honestly the most important thing-- finding something that you truly love-- because then the exercise isn't a chore anymore, but a beautiful thing that helps connect you to your body, your loved ones, the outdoors, or whatever your passion is.

    I dislike the Gym too, I dont always have the motivation for outdoor activity in the cold weather, but there are alternatives like local community centers often have fitness classes that are reasonably priced. there are usually specialty fintess clases like yoga, karate, judo, kickboxing, pilates these can be found easlily and not at the local gym check your local listings. Swimming or aquafit is often offered at local pools/community centres. If you dont like the groups many places offer smaller classes or even one on one training (a bit more expensive) I find that if I pay for classes that are fun (not at the gym) Im more likely to go. once you get in the habit and get in better shape you will probably dicsover that you like them and youre having fun. find a friend and make a challenge of it, make each other go or just make a challenge for yourself. dont forget the reward, sometimes a goal met with a new trinket or for me, a new book, often gets me moving.