P90X Grads & More

sisco23 Posts: 14
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
How many of us are they here? what was your favorite/least fav workout?
what do you think helped you during those 90 days & beyond?

I personally have done p90x and insanity numerous times. I find it that diet was the key. Whenever i ****ed up i may have seen progress but in the back of my head i was like damm my week could have been SO much better.

Fav workout is kenpo x. Love to kick sum *kitten* lol
and least fav yoga (now i sub it with cardio from p90x or insanity)

stay fit my friends


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I have done pretty much the full program once but have modified it for another 3 rounds. I typically do the strength training from P90X, but instead of 45 min (excluding warm up) I do it in 25 min during my lunch hour. I have, after my second round replaced all the non-strength training days with running and HIIT on a treadmill and sometimes mix in the eliptical, and in the summer Bike 7 km/day.

    My favorite is probably Chest and Back
    My least favorite by far is yoga, I only did this 3 times and only for 45-50 min each time, fast forwarding some of the repeated moves.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    In the midst of Round 4 of P90X. The only thing that has every really gotten me into shape. Flat out calorie restriction is for the birds.

    Not a big fan of Yoga X, so sub Fountain of Youth Yoga for it. It is from Tony's One on One series.

    Favorite workouts is Shoulders and Arms. My arms are totally pumped afterwards I love it.

    Borrowed Insanity from a co-worker. Tried all the workouts over 3 weeks between rounds of P90X. Hardest cardio there is, at least until Insanity:Asylum comes out next month. Would never do 60 days all cardio, afraid to burn off muscle.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Completed 1st round a few months ago. I was in the middle of my 2nd round when I sustained a sports hernia, (besides P90X I was also doing a lot of basketball & some running on the weekends). So doc said nothing doing for a few months, not even jogging. I'm now doing nothing and just HOPING I won't lose everything when I can finally get back into it.

    I'd say my fav was probably Core Syn or maybe Chest & Back. Least Fav - Legs & Back (it's the one you never really get a break from and I have a tender knee).
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    In the midst of Round 4 of P90X. The only thing that has every really gotten me into shape. Flat out calorie restriction is for the birds.

    Not a big fan of Yoga X, so sub Fountain of Youth Yoga for it. It is from Tony's One on One series.

    Favorite workouts is Shoulders and Arms. My arms are totally pumped afterwards I love it.

    Borrowed Insanity from a co-worker. Tried all the workouts over 3 weeks between rounds of P90X. Hardest cardio there is, at least until Insanity:Asylum comes out next month. Would never do 60 days all cardio, afraid to burn off muscle.

    I am going to have to say that I did the same thing with Yoga ... Fountain of Youth Yoga is NO JOKE and he even does some stuff that is HARDER then in Yoga X. I really liked that 45 minute program a lot. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Shoulders and Arms and Legs and Back. I just bought ARX2 from his one on one series 3 which is supposed to be a preview of MC2.

    I am going to be starting Insanity on the 15th of February (mandatory 10 days off working out after today's oral surgery) and I may mix in Shoulders/Arms/Legs/Back/ARX2 into the workouts on the weekends. I just don't have time for a lot during the week. Although, with Insanity I will likely be cutting out the cardio workouts I was supplementing in with P90X so I may be able to pull a couple of doubles.

    I HATE Chest/Shoulders/Triceps and I think it's only because that Laura chick has such bad form for a lot of the time...that and my upper body strength is just horrid (even after the 3 months of P90X Classic) TMI MOMENT: I have breast implants so it makes some of the upper body moves "feel" weird.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Bumping 4 l8ter
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm not a grad yet.....only on phase 2 but I Hate the yoga, the stretching is BORING.

    I actually like pretty much all the other videos I've done so far.........I think there is a exercize or 2 every day I dislike but overall it's good.

    Plyo is fun.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Love P90X. My favorite workouts are Shoulders & Arms and Core Synergistics. I am now in my 3rd phase of my 3rd round. I'm not a fan of the yoga, but I really like X Stretch. I've become more flexible since last February. The 15th of this month will be my one year Beachbody anniversary. LOL

    What got me through:
    My alarm clock on my cell phone.
    My husband.
    My yearly Party in Palm Springs vacation.
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