


  • carolinegeorgia
    ah just googled it, it has aspartame in it, thought that wasn't good!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Most drinks where water is the primary ingredient, can be counted as water intake. Drinks like coffee [actual brewed, not fraps] and [iced] tea are all water. If you drink a lot of tea, like Diet Snapple or something, you could technically count those as water. Then throughout the day, switch between drinking water and a sweetened drink, and gradually drink the flavored stuff less and less, replacing it with water more and more. Eventually, you'll be drinking water like a pro.

    As others have said, you can also squeeze some lemon and lime into water to give it some additional flavor. Aside from being well-hydrated, increasing your water intake can also help remove excess water weight into your body. It sounds ironic, but it's true. The extra intake of water begins to flow through muscle fibers pushing any fluid retention that's there, right out to the kidneys and out through the bladder...I don't think I have to explain the details of what has to come next, but you get the point.

    Water also helps muscle tone and function which is beneficial to burning calories. Water lowers high glucose spikes from eating simple carbs. Water gets rid of excess sodium which lowers blood pressure. Water cleanses the digestive tract. Water increases oxygenation in the bloodstream. Water keeps you from eating large portions. Water can help keep you feeling full. Water can ease the feeling of hunger when your body's actually thirsty.

    Water is what I'm drinking as I'm typing this. And I think everyone should too.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I use a Pur water filter (bottled water is not good) and it makes tap water taste just fine. Although, our water is fluoridated so once we get a house we'll get a reverse osmosis system to filter everything out. I use either a sports bottle or a reusable cup with a lid. Both hold 24oz and I drink from it until it's empty. I go through 1 at the gym and easily drink 2-3 more throughout the day.

    It's really easy to get all your water this way. Having a closed container means you don't have to drink it all at once, and having such a large container means you end up drinking more water easier.

    This is what I do (although I use a filtered pitcher). And I carry my sports bottle with me EVERYwhere. Helps me to have the nozzle on it - I HATE drinking from a cup/glass.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    guzzle it quick and often?
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I'm not a soda hater, but I've noticed if I drink soda at any point during the day, something about it makes me not WANT to drink any water. But if I drink water starting when I wake up, i just feel so amazing that I end up drinking 8 cups before 5pm.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I never liked water until I started drinking it at room temp. I just hated it cold, but never realized that. Start with adding lemon or infusing mint, both are good options until you learn to like it more.