Food & exercise around baby & work?

Food has always been my number one go to - when I'm tired, stressed, angry, sad, happy, bored, etc. I have lost weight in the past, but haven't gotten very far. I had a baby nine months ago and I work full time, so I'm pretty much perpetually tired and that makes me feel stressed. I think exercise would help me with the stress, particularly yoga, and journaling helps me, but I haven't been able to figure out yet how to fit either of them into my schedule again. (I'm gone almost 12 hours a day and have the baby to watch when I'm home.) Anyone with similar scheduling difficulties? How do you do it?


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Well, I'm a stay at home mom but I have similar difficulties fitting in exercise. My gym doesn't have child care so I can either get up before my kids do and go in the mornings, or I can try to go when my husband gets home from school (and the gym), if there's enough time before I have to go to school. I try to get some time on the Wii Fit in while my kids nap, but it doesn't give a decent work out.

    My only suggestion is to work out at home after your baby goes to bed. You can also try putting your baby in a play pen while you work out, or do something you can do together. There are exercise dvds that have you use your baby instead of weights.
  • mjcrothers
    mjcrothers Posts: 59 Member
    Congrats on your 9month old. I also have a 9month old baby! I am not working so I can't completely understand your situation. But I do have husband and house to keep up along with church commitments that happen at our house regularly. Definately not the same pressures as you have. But I have an idea with the yoga/pilates. I often do pilates with my baby playing on the floor next to me. She loves it because she thinks I am rolling around on the floor with her! So it can be bonding time too, if your baby likes to play happily like that, otherwise it could be difficult and more stressful for you. I like the idea that my baby might grow up with me doing pilates and will copy me as we do it together and maybe educate her about healthy living. I don't know if that is realistic but I like the sound of it.

    All the best with your plans, and baby!
  • drbean
    Congrats on being a new mom! You can bond and play with your baby and workout at the same time. (there a lots of books about exercising with your baby as resistance). You can hold the baby and walk up and down the stairs for 5 or 10 minutes, you can do sit ups or crunches with the baby sitting on your tummy. He/she will enjoy the "face time" with you. You can lie on your back and "bench press" your baby, again, they love looking at faces at that age. You can also lay the baby on the floor and do modified push ups down towards the baby's face (just be careful..haha). As the weather improves and we have more daylight, you'll be able to go for walks, but til then, do the simple things like park further away at work, take part of your lunch break and walk or do stairs. Just think...5 minutes at a time, several times a day, and before you know it, you'll have logged 30 minutes. Your life is stressful with a long day and an infant, try to make the exercise as fun as exercise can be. Good luck!