one of those days i NEED MFP friends!

thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
okay, i knew this site was better for something than counting calories and exercise.. MFP friends i need you and your advise! i am having one of those days for the first time in a long time, where i am not hungry, but i am wanting to eat something. and something big, and filling.. over filling, i want to munch on everything i see. I dont understand why, because had a filling breakfast, lunch, and snack.. i over did it on the calories because i had a fruit smoothie for B-fast instead of oatmeal. now if i eat dinner later i am going to go over my calories by a bit. i have a terrible cold that is really bringing me down on working out today. i am extremely exhausted, and i have a feeling after last weekend all my body needs is rest. i really hate that i am feeling like i want to eat something because any other day i would be too full to eat dinner, but i can tell i am going find something to get my hands on. does anyone ever get this? if so what do you do? i really need help. its not that i actually feel hungry, so water is not working. i need rest! but i also want dinner.:( frustrated with my stupid brain.


  • I think because you are sick it would be ok to go over on calories a bit... eat some soup or an orange! Lots of Vitamin C!
  • barbosa22
    barbosa22 Posts: 178 Member
    I get like that all the time. I always feel like eating. I am never satisfied. It sucks but I suck it up and do what I got to do to lose weight. Also, it doesn't hurt for you to have a cheat day every once in a while
  • I was feeling like this last Friday. I had a bag of chips and a can of pop and quit caring all together about my calorie intake. So I posted on here that I was down about it, and after I got some replies, I perked up a bit. I also decided to make a healthy meal plan, because it's not hard for me to eat healthy if that's what's in my house. I was also told to check out and, and now I have some recipes picked out that are low calorie but I know will be delicious. The chicken soup I made Sunday night was fantastic, and it wasn't that much in the end.

    You'll pull through! Just try to make something healthy but good tonight (not salad, something like stew or a full "proper" dinner) from those websites, and it won't be that bad. And just remember how bad you feel today, and tomorrow make sure you watch what you eat more carefully.

    Hope that helps! Feel free to friend me or message me for recipes, I have a few healthy ones!
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    You are soo smart to get on and ask for advice!!! Wish i would have thought of that last week when i went on a junk food overload!!! haha! sometimes lying down for a moment helps me!! Last night i stepped outside for a minute, then came in and made some tea...i helped me realize i was't "really" hungry! You can do it!!!
  • There's no easy answer, when I feel rotten I crave chocolate and find it hard to resist (endorphins or something like that I suppose)

    BUT I have been advised that it is good to have a 'blow out' maybe even once each week to make sure your body doesn't get accustomed to the regime, I don't blow out that often, I'll be aiming for once each month until the winter is over.

    Anyway I assume the best thing to do if you don't really want to eat is a distraction, but I can't tell you what that is, something you enjoy & can get engrossed in, and forget about the craving.
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    I feel you! You must hang in there. Drink some herbal tea...and lots of it! That should help with cravings and wanting that full feeling as well as kicking your cold in the butt. YOU GOT THIS!!!
  • Don't be so hard on yourself! We all have rough days, or days where we screw up a little..we're all human after all! Just make tomorrow better! :)
    And as for not feeling well/not wanting to work out..I say try, even if it's just a walk for 20-30 minutes. I know a few weeks ago when I had a cold I felt terrible and had no motivation to get off the couch, but I forced myself for just a half hour and I felt great afterward! Part of me even believes that sitting around thinking about how you don't feel well only makes you feel worse..when you're exercising you don't have time to think about how miserable you feel and you may even forget for a bit that you're sick (at least that's what I find with myself).
    Good luck and relax! Eating right and exercising is a lifestyle..and sometimes life just gets in the way of getting it right. Just remember that we all have bad days..and you don't have to be so hard on yourself for it.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I think it's because you're sick. You should eat your maintenance level today instead of a deficit, and go to bed early.
  • I crave food even when I'm full; it is a very frequent thing for me! Here's what I have decided to do when I feel this way (I am not sure yet if it works): chew minty gum, brush my teeth with minty toothpaste, or use minty mouthwash. The mint flavor should make me not want to eat other food, as it tastes rather gross with the mint aftertaste. Chewing gum is my preference because it takes some time to chew it, and it feels like eating because I'm doing all that chewing, and it's only 5 calories.
  • rcrea
    rcrea Posts: 80
    I get these days, shall I say, at certain times of the month. Any chance that might be what's going on? If you're in a strange spot in your cycle and your sick, that could certainly trigger cravings. Plus carbs (good carbs - a nice bowl of whole wheat pasta maybe) calm pms, I hear it from gyn all the time. Just a thought.
  • MizSpock
    MizSpock Posts: 23 Member
    Can you just go to bed? If you're sick, giving yourself the extra rest will help you recover - and will keep you out of the kitchen.

    If you can't go to bed, and have to eat, do you have any healthful snacks at home?

    I've started keeping better snacks on hand for times when I find myself wanting to eat everything in sight.

    Baby carrots, celery, pickles, cucumbers, tomatoes, popcorn - really, any non-starchy vegetable will help you feel fuller without going overboard on calories. And when I just can't resist a chocolate craving, I pop one or two M&Ms in my mouth, and then put the package away.

    I agree with bigmang, too - distractions are great to get past cravings and to take your mind off exercise. Do you have a favorite book you can curl up with? I put my book on the treadmill or stationary bike and my workout is over before I know it.

    Best case scenario - you meet your calorie goal today and get some exercize.
    Worst case scenario - you go over your calorie goal and don't do any exercize.

    In the grand scheme of things, one or two days of "worst case scenario" won't permanently derail your goals - especially if you have a couple of "best case scenario" days to compensate when you're feeling better.
  • Chicken broth. It will help with the cold and it will fill you up.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Usually when I feel that way there is something in particular that I am avoiding eating. Maybeif you are have a specific craving you should stick with something that will satisfy it. make is a lighter version so you don't go too far over your calories.
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