Oatmeal and Greek yogurt?

So for the past two months I have eaten one of two meals every single morning for breakfast. I find something I like and I stick with it. I've been eating either two poached "cups" of egg whites (approx 3/4c of whites) and two slices of ezekial toast with cheese. OR I eat two whole eggs (poached again) and two slices of toast with butter. I wouldn't usually indulge in the butter or cheese later in the day but having that fat at breakfast just keeps me going, gives me something to look forward to and helps prevent cheats later on..


I'm getting a bit tired of it and thinking of going back to my old staple oatmeal. I'd like to up the protein content though and as much as I've tried to love it neither protein powder or egg whites in my oats are faves of mine. I was thinking that popping some greek yogurt on top after it's cooked might be a good way and add to its' creamy goodness. Has anyone else tried this? Any other topping ideas that go well with it? I always want to put deliciously unhealthy things on my oats like, pie filling or something hahaha. Don't worry, I wont. ;)


  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    I usually add a couple tablespoons of ground flaxseed to my oatmeal. Can't really taste it, and it adds a little protein and omega 3s. The greek yogurt sounds like a good idea too; I'm gonna give it a try too!
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    How about some chopped almonds or other nuts? That sounds good to me! Maybe on TOP of the yogurt :) with some cinnamon. YYUMMMMM!
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    about 75% of the time, i eat a greek yogurt w 1/2 cup of Kashi Go Lean Crunch! mixed in... it tastes great and packs a great protein punch. I eat several small meals thru my day, so will follow it mid-morning with a mini bagel (toasted) with 1 Tbsp of natural peanut butter. Sometimes 1/2 a bagel with the yogurt/kashi works well too :) Hope that helps!
  • habibti
    habibti Posts: 56 Member
    Hi, I love oats and yogurt too, and eat them for breakfast most mornings. I like mixing about 1/3 cup raw old fashioned Quaker oats with my yogurt of choice. It fills me up and keeps me going. Again, maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but the more ideas - the more better ;) Our Norwegian exchange student used to love raw oats with milk (just like you would regular cereal) and then toss in a teaspoon of jam or honey to sweeten just a bit. Sounds a little strange, but I like it too!
  • kbellnurse
    thanks for all the tips! I tried it this morning, made 1/2c rolled oats on the stove (with 1 tsp sucanet and some cinnamon) , threw in some thawed berries and then topped it off with 1/2c of plain greek yogurt.. aaaannnd

    So good!! Creamy, yummy, easy to eat!! I posted in another thread about it. Sometimes when I'm eating oatmeal I feel like it's getting so sticky and "hearty" near the end I can't even finish it. But this was soo good. It is definitely getting added to my breakfast rotation! :)
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Have you thought about adding Chia Seeds to your oatmeal. Good protein source and fiber too. They are tasteless, but swell up with fluids so you feel more full. Plus a great source for your Omega 3 fats.
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    Chobani is a killer greek Yogurt. I like it with roasted pumpkin seeds or extra blueberries or granola but just a little
  • TracyMG
    Try soaking 1/3 of a cup of oatmeal overnight in a half cup of soy milk and some raisins. You can either eat it cold (it is like a rice pudding) or heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds. The raisins plump up and the soy milk adds some good stuff and sweetness. I have it for breakfast during the week because it is ready to go in the morning with little effort.
  • SparksFly460
    I love oatmeal and greek chobani greek yogurt. I make 1/2 cup of old fashioned Quaker oats, let them sit for 5+ minutes and then mix in about half of into my yogurt. Tastes amazing. I use a minimum amount of water to cook the oatmeal that way the yogurt doesn't become runny. Great breakfast/light lunch
  • runnerchicki
    A 1/2 banana sliced on top of the oatmeal and 2 tsp brown sugar Splenda. Yummy!
  • neenie1
    Try Smuckers natural peanut butter on your oat meal. Yes it fat but it's the healthy fat. I'm not sure how the greek yogurt would taste on the oatmeal. Maybe if you followed a previous suggestion by another and sprinkled cinnimon then maybe add a little honey. I mix organic greek honey yogurt w/ kashi mountain medley granola every afternoon for a snack.