Non-scale Goals

I lost *only* 1 pound in the month of January. Mostly due to surgery which set me back. I can't exercise until the 6 weeks post surgery is over. BUT, I took my measurements and I have lost a total of 6 inches for the month of January. 6 inches! I am on cloud nine!

One of my other non-scale goals is to fit in my size 10s and today they just fit. Can't wear them in public yet, but who cares? I can get into them!

Do you have non-scale goals? What are they?


  • paulettac
    Congrats on reaching 2 goals!
  • LindieAndie
    I want to fit back into my old pre-pregnancy clothes. I fit into most tops (well, a lot I can't because my boobs are bigger) but I can't fit into any pants. I have so many pairs of jeans which I can't wear, but I love dearly. It's Summer here so I'm hoping to fit back into them by Winter. Although, I'm hoping my hips haven't spread from the pregnancy. If they have then they will have to be tossed :( booo

    Another goal is to get my self-confidence back. I lost 45 pounds a few years ago and I felt amazing, confident, sexy, happy with my body and I didn't spend a ridiculous amount of moments each day worrying about how fat I was like I did when I was over weight. I want to get back to that mind frame!
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    That is proud of you. Your post are very encouraging for someone like me who usually
    quits by this time of the game...but not this time...I'm going for it. Thanks for your honesty and for sharing! Great job!
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    You are a gorgeous young mother that is working on herself...that is to be applauded.....Yeah you.
    As long as you are nursing the weight should fall off...Make good choices and leave the junk foods and empty calories
    alone. I have nursed 4 of my 5 and the weight ALWAYS fell off. Stay w your program and enjoy that sweet baby.
  • promiseskept
    That is my goal, to lose the inches, I want to be able to slip into jeans a size smaller , then the next gaol will be the next size down until I am able to wear the size that belongs on me!
    Size 10 Chicka!! Wow!! I cannot wait to squeeze my *kitten* into those!! Boig Mile stone baby, and 6 inches! Wow!! Nice Job!!!
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks guys!