Balanced Moderation

fit4lifeministries Posts: 22
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Practicing what I preach to others about Balanced Moderation in exercise and life has come crashing down on me this week. Even though I consult with others about their need to listen to your body during your workouts (which includes our nutrition), I continue to push myselft beyond limits. I know that same battle mentality is what allowed me to lose over 154 lbs., and continues to drive me day after day to help others along their journey, but the reality of REST cannot be overlook. When I try to ignore it, my body lets me know by crashing.

After ignoring two stress tibial stress fractures by continuing to run on them against medical advice, my body reminded me that running may not be a part of my workout routine in the near future. Over the last week, I felt something pop in my Achillies tendon and have been experience quite a bit of pain and swelling. I modified my workouts over the last few days to include other forms of cardio (instead of speed intervals and distance running), but tried to put them back in this morning to push it a little. NOT VERY WISE since now I'm finding it very difficult to walk. I would say lesson learned, but I'm pretty stubborn and pigheaded when it comes to my own workouts. Looks like I will be re-creating my daily workout routines for a while. I know this is beneficial, but man am I scared of changing what I know works.

Repeat after me and learn the lesson quicker than I did..."Balanced Moderation!"


  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    A lot of us who do this for a living are our own worst clients. As someone who is nursing both a gimpy Achilles and some shoulder issues--"I feel your pain!"
  • I totally understand what you're saying. I've always been one to push myself past the pain. "Pain is weakness leaving the body" right? Well not always. It's better to listen to the little signals and nurse them accordingly than keep pushing until you're completely out of commission. I'm not perfect about this, I pushed myself into a walking boot a few months ago, but I find when I jump on the bike or elliptical or opt for more circuit training instead of running when something on my body is saying stop, I both get 100% healthy a hell of a lot faster and feel a sense of reward that I can find other means of keeping up the calorie burn. It expands my horizons and allows me to be comfortable with my progress no matter how I'm burning the calories. I too am a certified personal trainer and know it's all easier said than done, but prove it to yourself and I think you'll feel great! Good luck with the aches and pains and congrats on the extraordinary weight loss thus far!
  • Thanks for the accountability support. As my kids keep telling me, "you may be fit, but you're still getting old." Let's hear it for tough love. :-)
  • whtwtrman79
    whtwtrman79 Posts: 1 Member
    Our bodies have amazing ways to tell us to slow down or change our habits, if we dont pay attention it can take much longer to recover, or cause permanent damage. However i think most people wish they could be that dedicated.
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