
So I worked out at the gym on monday, it is now wednesday and my scale told me that I have gained a pound since yesterday, could that be muscles. I ate within my calorie limit yesterday, although I did not have much time to workout. Does anyone have any insight?


  • sarasotatim
    Hi! :)

    Unfortunately no, muscle doesn't develop that quickly, usually many days to a couple of weeks...could have been water weight maybe? But that pound 2 weeks from now could totally be muscle :)
  • WhiteStar2351
    My answer from another post with the same question earlier :smile:
    Nope! It usually takes around 1-4 weeks to gain an entire pound of muscle.

    The weight fluctuation is most likely drinking extra fluid whilst training.

    Weigh yourself once per week (if you must weigh yourself - measurements around the chest, waist, hips, thigh and arm are FAR more accurate) - your body weight can fluctuate by anywhere up to 4-5lbs in a single day and is influenced by temperature, air pressure, water intake, food intake, exercise, etc!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    When stating a new workout your muscles will retain water to protect them from damage caused from working out and to aid in recovery. Once you get use to the workout your muscles will shed the water and you will drop the weight you put on.
  • Damn... lol I thought I was strong! haha :) I guess I will just keep working out and see what happens. I really do love working out but its hard work. I just remember what I feel like after my workout and then I run straight to the gym, its such and exhilarating feeling, and makes me feel as though I have accomplished alot even if I didn't gain a pound of muscle in two days ;)
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    There could be lots of reasons for the "gain", but unfortunately one isn't muscle. However, luckily, unless you consumed an extra 3500 calories over those 2 days, it's not a pound of fat either! It's likely water from working out or if you consumed a lot of sodium over those two days.

    Personally though, I've weighed myself multiple times per day and the weight has been known to fluctuate even within hours (food that hasn't digested yet, water still in my system, etc.).
  • Sodium? I never heard of sodium causing a problem?
  • jaybaileys
    I would echo WhiteStar,

    Don't obsess over the scale, weigh yourself once a week. Instead focus on how your clothes fit. Are your pants getting looser, how does your body look, is your face getting thinner, etc. Give it time though it won't happen in a day or 2, or 7. Stick to your workouts, eat clean, get your rest, and the results will come.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    ^^^^^^^ I've weighed as much as 3 pounds heavier the next day when I eat a particurally salty meal (and 3 pounds is a LOT for someone my size) so I could agree it would either be high salt intake or as the other AP said, it takes time to recover after the breakdown of muscle tissue during a workout.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Sodium? I never heard of sodium causing a problem?

    Yes, it makes your body retain water.

    And I agree with the others that it is NOT muscle. The human body does not like to add muscle. You CANNOT do it with a calorie deficit.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Muscles hold water when they're worked really hard. If you're feeling sore, that's most likely what's happened. Drink lots of water and watch your sodium. When my weight goes up and not down it's usually due to a strenuous workout, not drinking enough water, and too much sodium.