Just joined today

Hello. Just joined this site today. I'm 32 and from Illinois. Looking forward to a healthier and more active life. Looking for new buddies for motivation! :happy:


  • flicker1991
    Hey Carrie.
    Awesome job taking control of your life.
    It is not an easy battle, but it is a battle that can be won and you have taken the first steps.
    Welcome and enjoy your new lifestyle!!!

  • jenchel
    good morning..you will love this site. this is day three for me and it is working great..need friends please request me..
  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    Welcome! You're gonna love all the tools here! It's a lot of hard work, but we are all here doing it with you. Feel free to add me :)
  • mon85
    mon85 Posts: 12
    im also only new, so ur not on your own!!!

    its a great site, and im loving it so far!!

    Good luck, and enjoy xx
  • NicholasMongold
    Hello!! how are you guys? Welcome so nice to see you!