Getting back to Me

I have spent the last 7 years in baby-production mode. Now, with a 6.5, 4 and 10month old and 2 miscarriages under my belt, I need to get that belt to tighten up!

Between my two sons (#'s 2 and 3), I have a tubal pregnancy that resulted in emergency surgery. I didn't lose my tube, but it was VERY close. So I had surprise major abdominal surgery. I couldn't do much for a long while, and even after I got pregnant again, my scar hurt. So I avoided the area exercise-wise entirely.

I only gained about 18 pounds with each baby, but after nursing, I gained 10 back of all the weight that I lost. And I gained it back within a few days, each time. Even the last time, when I tried to cut calories and workout to prepare, it didn't matter. So I'm 30 lbs overweight. 5'7" 175/180.

I am currently training for a 5K using the couch to 5K program. I'm doing really well, considering I have never run in my life! I'm on week 4, last day. I strained a calf muscle during my last run, so I'm giving myself a few days to heal before I run again. I also do Zumba once a week. I've been doing it on and off for a while and I LOVE my teacher. I just wish her schedule didn't bounce around so much.

My first goal is not weight loss, it's to do a 5K on April 30.

Second goal is one on the last day of my 20's June 11

Third goal is to finish the Warrior dash July 30.

Fourth goal is to run the local festival 5K on labor day

FIFTH goal is to get to 160. I don't have a date set, because I'm not focusing on the weight, rather the training for the runs.