Its my stagette this weekend.......

Okay, Im sure this topic has been brought up before but I am in need of ideas! I am not going to lie. I am going to drink! Good or not for my diet I think I worked hard enough to deserve this upcoming night out :)
I am not going to get absolutely drunk out of my mind, nope thats not me but I am going to have quite a few I am sure of it.
I dont go out anymore, I dont usually drink much more then my wine. So what should I drink while out partying?
We are also going to Tony Romas for dinner all together....What on earth should I eat there? They dont have their nutritional information on their website so.....any ideas? Thanks all for your help!!!!!

I am also going to do my Kenpo X workout that morning so that usually gives me about 600 calories to play with :)


  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I'm a big fan of the whole enjoying yourself thing.

    It's your stagette! Have fun! Eat whatever you want!

    Just get back on track the next day, no biggie :)

  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I'd do vodka soda with lime... ! enjoy!!!
  • larsonp
    larsonp Posts: 55 Member
    On nights like that, I say damn it all and forget about the calories.

    I am a huge fan of allowing one day a month where you just stop worrying about it and eat and drink as much as you want.
    It's the only way to stay sane on a long-term diet plan. I've been at this over a year, and lost over 50 pounds. (30 since starting on MFP)

    On the other hand, I tell MFP that I want to lose 1.5 or 2 pounds a week, and tend to lose about 1 pound a week.
    (In addition to the one night a month where I let totally lose, I go out to eat once a week, which makes it damn near impossible to keep at a reasonable calorie count.)
  • Piccachu
    Haha!!! Since I know we are going to be together this weekend, I was going to suggest we stick to vodka/water with lime. It's great and keeps you hydrated. Also, instead of Tony Roma's - why don't we do The Keg? They have their nutritional values listed on their site. Thanks again for sending me the link to this site Pookie!!!
  • mistawalka
    mistawalka Posts: 108 Member
    Having survived the annual works xmas function in December and a major family re-union in January with no major impact on weight - I would suggest being good up to the day and straight back on the wagon again the next day (the water will help with the hangover), but just enjoy your stagette for what it is a once in a lifetime event, its not like you'll be trying to use it as an excuse to let loose again in the near future.