Hello All!!

I am new to this site and this will be my first time dieting ever.


  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Well HELLO newby!! First suggestion, don't diet. They don't last. The point of MFP is to show you how to eat healthier. So come here to learn how to make life changes, you'll be much more sucessful!!! Make friends and read posts, you'll enjoy what you're learning...Congrats on taking steps to be healthier.
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    Welcome!!! I think you will like the site whether your goals are weight loss, increased fitness, improved nutrition, or just maintenance and tracking. Great resources and great community.

  • Green_Eyed_Girl88
    Green_Eyed_Girl88 Posts: 73 Member
    Well Hello there Friend! So happy that you decided to join MFP and now I have someone I can talk to about it with instead of boring the hubby ;) The 1st reply to your post is right...dont diet..decide that this is a lifestyle change..its the only way that it is going to stick :) Now get some pictures up, write some info down and get on that Biggest Loser routine TONIGHT!! Oh and let me know how Zumba is too :)