New to MFP and NEw to dieting

Hi..I'm new to MFP but also to dieting an counting calories. Never had to do it before but since I hit my mid 30s I now need too. So I need help understanding what it all means in my goals .. On my goals page it says in my Nutritional goal Net Calories consume is 1400/day(in red). Then on the diet profile it say under daiy calories consumed ... From Normal Daily Activity 1640/day....Net Calories is 1400/day..then is red it says my Daily calorie deficit is 240..what does all this mean because I know I havent gone over 1400/day..Sorry if this seems like a stupid question but as I said before new to all this an just want to understand and do it right.


  • hyoung3
    hyoung3 Posts: 85 Member
    Somebody once said "There are no stupid questions... only stupid answers".

    Hopefully, mine won't be one of

    The 1640/day should be your BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate), which is roughly the amount of
    calories your body needs to maintain daily activities based on how you filled out your profile.

    If you want to lose weight, a calorie deficit needs to be created through a combination of careful
    eating and exercise. (you can also try nutritional supplementation, if you like)

    A deficit of 240/day at your age sounds like it may yield a loss in weight, albeit small.

    You can create a larger deficit which may yield a higher weight loss by exercising, especially
    aerobics, brisk walking, running, etc.

    Be patient and try not to overdo the deficit thing. If you can average a 500/day deficit, you should shed
    some pounds.

    Hope this helps...