Coffee and Women

FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Just an FYI gals... Coffee is directly linked to uping your cortisol levels. Even when you drink it black it plays with your horomones and can trigger cravings. Women who are menapausal are recommended to quit the coffee in order to decrease the night sweats.

I only share this information because I had coffee on Thursday, then was battling cravings for almost 4 days, then giving in. In speaking with my coach (nutritionist), he confirmed coffee was the culprit.

I will be staying away from yummy coffee for now... Green Tea here I come!!


  • Good advice! Be a little careful with the green tea though - too much can turn you caffeine intolerant (a useful piece of knowledge that tea companies neglect to tell people). Unfortunately I know this first hand as after 3 months drinking 5-6 cups a day and became very ill - all down to green tea! Still, life without caffeine isn't THAT bad! :smile:
  • millesun
    millesun Posts: 209 Member
    :sick: Good luck. I stopped drinking coffee for about a year then one cold morning I stopped at Starbucks...yikes I have been back almost every morning since.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Interesting. I drink coffee every day. I know about the cortisol thing. I don't get cravings because I make sure to eat through out the day. My body fat caliper (I measure the spot on my tummy) has gone from 20mm to 14mm and I'm losing weight. Jillian Michael's has a list of foods good for weight loss and foods to avoid. Coffee is on the foods for weight loss.

    I drink it black and usually have anywhere from 12oz to 24oz a day.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I too have dropped my coffee intake. But a culprit for sweet cravings is artificial sweeteners; I dropped my diet soda intake to almost 0 and there went my sweet tooth. As with most things in gotta give some to get some!
  • gnutrifitness
    gnutrifitness Posts: 169 Member
    I just looove so much coffee...and what you say It's unfortunatly true!:sad:
  • I have a love hate relationship with coffee. Coffee is like my badass boyfriend that I need to kick to the curb at least a few times a year because as much as I love him, he sucks. He's nice and hot- but he ruins everything LOL.

    Did you all know that in the 70's I believe IIRC, some people in the FDA were investigating caffeine and some scientists were interested in getting caffeine listed as a drug due to some study results. Guess who stepped in and stopped it all? The soft drink company lobbies. Companies that import and deal with any aspect of coffee, soft drink manufacturers, just imagine how many people invested in the consumption of caffeinated drinks, all belong to a powerful lobby that threatened to mess with the FDA if they decided to make certain changes to labeling for caffeine.

    Prison populations always imbibe huge amounts of coffee if they are able to have access to it. A study was done where half the prison population was unwittingly put on decaf. Huge differences in behaviors.

    I'm not a conspiracy freak whatsoever- but when you start digging around for information regarding vast food corporations and such- it's a scary scary world.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Hey I have ready studies that show that up to 2 cups of coffee a day for women leaves cortisol levels the same as no coffee. I find it interesting that you get cravings from coffee as Cortisol is a stress hormone which means you store fat, but has no direct association with physical cravings other than the psychological mechanisms for coping with stress - are you talking about coffee cravings (obviously as caffeine is addictive) or other cravings, like for sweet etc. Personally I don't experience any cravings - I don't miss my coffee in the weekend but it's a big part of my "time to work" ritual :)
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Interesting. I drink coffee every day. I know about the cortisol thing. I don't get cravings because I make sure to eat through out the day. My body fat caliper (I measure the spot on my tummy) has gone from 20mm to 14mm and I'm losing weight. Jillian Michael's has a list of foods good for weight loss and foods to avoid. Coffee is on the foods for weight loss.

    I drink it black and usually have anywhere from 12oz to 24oz a day.

    Ditto. Java is love. lol
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