How do U stay under the sugar count????

aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Okay, I know I have an awful sweet tooth but I have been doing fairly well in all areas even protein (which is hard due to me being a vegetarian). I really struggle to stay even close to my daily sugar level. It actually goes over and I workout that much harder to be able to eat certain healthy items such as fresh fruit, a fruit protein smoothie or yogurt. I often have calories left over but I am already over on my sugar levels and that eliminates many food items that I can eat.

I am open to learning what others are doing to eat within their allowed sugar level. HELP!!!!!!


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Unless diabetic I wouldn't worry about the sugars from fruits and veggies. MFP doesn't separate them from added sugars when accounting for them.
  • jen31889
    jen31889 Posts: 121
    I need help on this too. I eat one serving of grapes and it either puts me over or nearly puts me over.
  • I'm having the same problem.. and I am eating WAY less sugar than before. Maybe someone will post some advice..
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Well- I wish I could offer useful advice, but I go over my sugar every single day too! I just stopped tracking it because it was a dissapointment- and I too am a vegetarian and eating pretty healthy on a regular basis.

    I would love to hear answers here, as well!
  • Somenameioi
    Somenameioi Posts: 43 Member
    I find it impossible to stay under my sugar. A grapefruit which is supposed to be one of the best diet foods will put you right over. I track it and am aware of it but I do not worry about it unless it is white sugar from a latte or chocolate or something. Some people say that even though it is fruit sugar it is still not that great for you- but I don't know much about that.
  • I do not worry about sugar from naturally occurring sources. IMO, it shouldn't be lumped in with refined sugar counts. If it comes from fruit, unless you're racking up exorbitant numbers, I really wouldn't be concerned with your numbers.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I don't stay under for sugar. I think the sugar goal it set is totally unrealistic. So I'm always over and its usually from eating fruit or breakfast. Still losing though....
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I've stopped counting fruit sugar, tbh.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Sgar from fruits and sugar from sweets is the say. Its all converts straight to glucose. so dont let anyone tell you natural sugar is any better than chocolate. BUT the reason we eat fruits instead of the chocolate bar is because fruit is loaded with good stuff too! like vitamins and fiber :] so enjoy your fruit! but just to let you and everyone else know... natural sugar is no better than refined.

    We are supposed to stay under on added sugars because those items are usally very high in calories, so we lack calories to get other good nutrients in
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    Unless diabetic I wouldn't worry about the sugars from fruits and veggies. MFP doesn't separate them from added sugars when accounting for them.

    I agree. Almost everyone goes over. but if your doing it in good sugars then no worries if not diabetic.
  • Here are some links that address sugar in raw fruit:

    So, again: refined sugars are not awesome and should be consumed in moderation, but the fructose in fruit is not really a problem as part of a healthy diet.
  • "Sgar from fruits and sugar from sweets is the say. Its all converts straight to glucose. so dont let anyone tell you natural sugar is any better than chocolate. BUT the reason we eat fruits instead of the chocolate bar is because fruit is loaded with good stuff too! like vitamins and fiber :] so enjoy your fruit! but just to let you and everyone else know... natural sugar is no better than refined. "

    Sorry, but I have to disagree. There is a DEFINITE difference between naturally occurring sugar and refined sugar, and fruit or some other source of naturally occurring sugar is going to be the better choice over chocolate the vast majority of the time.
  • rherrin5
    rherrin5 Posts: 136 Member
    The natural sugars found in fruit and veggies are good for you. They do not act like the refined sugars that we should limit. I keep track of mine but I subtract any from fruit and veggies and see just the sugars (like a mcdonalds cookie I had the other day) that were not good for me. If my daily intake is 28 grams but 50 is from fruits and 20 is from that cookie, then I figure im at 20 out of my daily 28 grams. I believe you should never not eat fruit because of the sugars in them. I have a banana every morning and either an apple or pear for lunch and maybe another one for a snack. Im still losing weight and I dont even excercise at this point. Your body needs some sugars and its best to get them from fruits rather than junk food. I read your blood sugar doesnt spike with fruit like it does with cookies and cakes and candies. So do be afraid! Eat up that fruit! :) Hope this helps.
  • Both are 4 cal/gram. They are the same.
  • In terms of calories, yes. In almost every other way, they are not the same.
  • Sure one is made by chemicals and one isn't, but nutritionally, for purposes of reducing glucose, the are the same
  • MonsteRawr
    MonsteRawr Posts: 95 Member
    I don't. I fail miserably at staying under my sugar count. It is actually hilarious how terribly I go over my sugar count.

    That being said, I don't really worry about it. I try to limit my intake of unnatural sugar and be mindful of where my sugar is coming from. But if I'm under my calories, under my carbs, and under my fat, I don't really worry about it. 3 outta 4 ain't bad, in my opinion!
  • "Sure one is made by chemicals and one isn't, but nutritionally, for purposes of reducing glucose, the are the same"

    If the original poster is concerned about her sugar intake for the sole purpose of reducing glucose, then I suppose I would agree they are the same. However, I think it's more likely she's frustrated at going over the sugar goal set for her by MFP, since she mentioned having to up her workout to work off the fruit she wanted to eat. For THAT purpose, I would disagree that the two are the same. Fruit has many health benefits, refined sugar has none.
  • mercymercyme
    mercymercyme Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for posting this. Really helpful as I go over every single day. I did stop counting fruit though. I'm a sucker for pears....
  • I got so worked up over it, I just took sugar off of my diary today. I'll go crazy if I keep seeing it go over. Especially when most of my sugar NOW is coming from milk (2% btw..) orange juice, and fruits. I cut waaay back on candy. So I replaced sugar in my diary with Fiber. Maybe that will calm me down.
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