Yippee I made it ;)

DippinDots Posts: 3
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys! I finally made it here...I am so excited to be here. What a fabulous site. :flowerforyou:

I need all the support I can get, that's for sure. Here is what I have been doing to lose weight. This is my first week, and have been good. I am eating very lo-carb and counting my calories. I am also doing 30 minutes on my treadmill which burns me 170 calories and is 1.200 miles. I know that's not alot, but it's a good start for me.

I also am doing weights for my arms. I don't drink as much water as I should, but have been drinking the G2 by Gatorade while working out.

I usually do coffee :drinker: for breakfast, no lunch, then dinner. I know I HAVE to eat to lose weight but gah, it's hard to force myself to eat. Although, I was eating out of boredom before. I am trying to stay busy. I weighed in on Sunday and have gained 2 lbs as of today. I don't know why. It's discouraging for sure :sad:

Anyhoo, I hope to make a lot of new friends here while getting the support I need.


  • Hey guys! I finally made it here...I am so excited to be here. What a fabulous site. :flowerforyou:

    I need all the support I can get, that's for sure. Here is what I have been doing to lose weight. This is my first week, and have been good. I am eating very lo-carb and counting my calories. I am also doing 30 minutes on my treadmill which burns me 170 calories and is 1.200 miles. I know that's not alot, but it's a good start for me.

    I also am doing weights for my arms. I don't drink as much water as I should, but have been drinking the G2 by Gatorade while working out.

    I usually do coffee :drinker: for breakfast, no lunch, then dinner. I know I HAVE to eat to lose weight but gah, it's hard to force myself to eat. Although, I was eating out of boredom before. I am trying to stay busy. I weighed in on Sunday and have gained 2 lbs as of today. I don't know why. It's discouraging for sure :sad:

    Anyhoo, I hope to make a lot of new friends here while getting the support I need.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Welcome!!! Hope you find as much support as I have here. :drinker:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member

    I also am doing weights for my arms. I don't drink as much water as I should, but have been drinking the G2 by Gatorade while working out.

    I usually do coffee :drinker: for breakfast, no lunch, then dinner. I know I HAVE to eat to lose weight but gah, it's hard to force myself to eat. Although, I was eating out of boredom before. I am trying to stay busy. I weighed in on Sunday and have gained 2 lbs as of today. I don't know why. It's discouraging for sure :sad:

    Anyhoo, I hope to make a lot of new friends here while getting the support I need.

    Some advice--

    You've got to eat more!! Or you will never lose weight. You need to eat 3 good meals a day or your body will not get the fuel it needs.

    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and coffee is not near enough.

    You can put your body into starvation mode by undereating--that's where it simply doesn't get enough to survive and hangs onto every thing it can get. And you will gain weight if you undereat because your body will simply not let go of anything.

    And, you've got to get in the water-vital! Keeps the body going, moves things through the system, keeps your hydrated.

    How many calories a day are you eating? Are you eating your exercise calories?

    We can give some advice if we have some more information.

    Please read the posts linked below--very important information. Particularly the first one.



  • kellbell
    kellbell Posts: 145 Member
    Some advice--

    You've got to eat more!! Or you will never lose weight. You need to eat 3 good meals a day or your body will not get the fuel it needs.

    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and coffee is not near enough.

    You can put your body into starvation mode by undereating--that's where it simply doesn't get enough to survive and hangs onto every thing it can get. And you will gain weight if you undereat because your body will simply not let go of anything.

    And, you've got to get in the water-vital! Keeps the body going, moves things through the system, keeps your hydrated.

    How many calories a day are you eating? Are you eating your exercise calories?

    We can give some advice if we have some more information.

    Please read the posts linked below--very important information. Particularly the first one.




    Thanks for saying that shorerider......it is sooooo very true.
    You HAVE to eat!! You will see the results if you stick to your cals and exercise routines.

    Just trust it....and by the way, WELCOME!!!! :flowerforyou:

  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Oh, I'm sorry--should have said welcome, too!

  • kellbell
    kellbell Posts: 145 Member
    Oh, I'm sorry--should have said welcome, too!


    Hee hee.
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Yeah!! Glad to have you here!!
    As was aleady said.. you need to eat! You need to drink water - it's that simple. You don't have to eat tons but eat.. start simple. You could type in 300/400 calorie meals and you should find lots of examples and you could just do 4-5 of those meals a day. (I don't know your calorie needs exactly). Keep up the exercise!! Sounds like you've got yourself a nice starting point.
    Here's an idea of what I do - although sometimes dinner and lunch are reversed depends on dining options.
    Coffee, toast, couple boiled egg whites or bowl of cereal with skim milk
    Try 14 almonds - simple and small, and good for you or
    Yogurt or
    apple/strawberries, maybe even a tbls of peanut butter
    Tomato slides if you like them
    1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese, or
    small salad and some parmesan or other semi hard cheese, vinegar tbsp olive oil
    Banana (maybe even a hershey kiss or two!!)
    Dinner - take a salad sized plate divide in half, fill one half with veggies then take the other half and divide again, put a starch (rice) on one side and a lean meat on the other (turkey cutlet, chicken breast, lean steak) if you are still hungry eat more veggies
    Air popped popcorn or rice cake or whatever

    These are just ideas... to get you started. GOOD LUCK AND YOU CAN DO THIS, IGNORE THE SCALE FOR A COUPLE WEEKS!
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    Welcome:flowerforyou: I did the low carb diet bevore , but since I love carbs that didn't work for me in the long run. I have been here for 4 weeks now and I only eat complex carbs ( they fill you up and are better for your body (no sugar highs and lows) > I like wraps, they are very portable and easy to prepare, I use lean meat ( roast beef with horse raddish, lean ham with swiss cheese, Turkey breast with mustard .... and a salad with low fat dressing...I could go on and on) for breakfast I eat cereal with light yogurt ( and yes you need to eat it) for dinner 1/2 plate full of veggies 1/4 plate of lean protein and 1/4 of starch ( potatoes , rice or pasta) I also still eat ice cream for snacks but only on exercise days , the light kind, and if I have enough calories. For cravings I'll eat pudding (Chocolate fudge....:heart: ) or apples with peanutbutter.
    The problem is that if youre having a hard time with sticking to a DIET... you might loose the weight but it will come back ( with lots of relatives) . The idea behind MPF is that you become aware of what you eat, how much, and how good is it for you. The less refined (processed) the better it is for you. I have noticed that if I eat bad things ( like the 8 cookies I had last night ) I feel bad. I was on a sugar high till after 1 am , I had the calories to spare but it wasn't as much fun...
    So loose with us and I wish you success :drinker:
    By the way this is only my opinion and you can do whatever you like:bigsmile:
  • Lavendersunday
    Lavendersunday Posts: 458 Member
    Welcome to the fam Dippin :flowerforyou:

    Give it some time and don't obsess about the scale.

    Do measure yourself and watch how you are gonna SHRINK! :tongue:

    I believe my current weight does not reflect my success because I am losing inches and the shape of my body is quickly changing. Also I am stronger and can walk longer each day...a scale doesn't tell you all of that! :noway:

    Making up your mind to be healthy and fit is probably one of the most important decisions a person can make.

    Do it for you....you WON"T be disappointed ~ :wink:

    ~Namaste :flowerforyou:
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Welcome, this place is wonderful!!!

    Be sure to follow all the advice previously put on here.

    Out of all the meals in a day, breakfast is the absolute MOST important. It's the meal that starts your metabolism burning. If you skip it, your body automatically goes into starvation mode and starts holding on to everything else you put in it. You actually need to be eating the right kind of foods every couple hours...this keeps your metabolism stoked up.

    I hope you find the help and support here that I have....it's really making a difference in my journey back to health!!!!!!!

  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Welcome, I know how hard it is to start off. I did not eat either, it was so hard to eat. I started off really slow. For Breakfast I would have oat meal and yogurt with my coffee( put less sugar into the coffee). I eat all veggies for lunch, and dinner mostly veggies. I started walking for 20 min then 30 and now I walk a little over an hour a day. Coming to MFP I have learned how important it is to eat properly, its a life style change for me dieting means starving to me. Make sure you eat most of your exercise calories too. Good luck :drinker: you will get used to eating good food and the bad food will make you not feel as good. :bigsmile:
  • Hi everyone and thanks for your wonderful responses. You all have really given me alot to take in. I :heart: it :)

    TNT- Thanks so much for the help with some menu ideas. I did however sneak a yogurt in with my coffee this morning. Skipped lunch, which I know is bad....had a great steak dinner with veggies, and my faithful Sprite Zero.

    Shorerider- Thanks for the links, I am checking them out, once I get the laundry started, I hate laundry days :laugh: I am definitely eating my exercise calories, then some.

    Lavender- I completely agree about the measurements. They show the most results. I did Suzanne Somers way of eating (Somersizing) in 2000 and lost 56lbs in 4 months, with tons of inches. I was a S@HM then, which seems to have made it easier, until I went back to work and started eating out with the girls. Now that I am staying home again, it's harder this go around.

    Thank you all again for welcoming me to this wonderful place. I hope to see you all around the boards.
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