Workout Regimen - Help with Schedule

daniellevietti Posts: 28 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi All!

I've been working out since last April or so just started a family version of Biggest Loser. I'm looking for help with a workout regimen. I would like a full body workout plus cardio. Below is what I was doing:

Monday - 45 minutes of cardio + Chest, Back, Shoulders, Biceps
Tuesday - 45 minutes of cardio + Triceps, Legs, Abs
Wednesday - Off Day or Yoga
Thursday - 45 minutes of cardio + Chest, Back, Shoulders, Biceps
Friday - 45 minutes of cardio + Triceps, Legs, Abs
Saturday - 45 minutes of cardio + circuit or full body workout
Sunday - Off Day or Yoga

Looking for advice or input. What do you do??


  • Hi!

    I personally wouldn't lift a body part more than once per week. So instead of doing that, maybe Monday do your cardio then chest & back then Tuesday do cardio and Bi's & Tri's then Thursday cardio and shoulders & abs and Friday cardio and legs. Those muscles need to recover so just hit each hard one day a week and still do a circuit on Saturday but instead of weights maybe use resistance bands and do some plyometrics? It's all about switching it up! Good luck! =)
  • bump.
    i want to see suggestions as well.
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