Calories in and out... ???? Need Help with Clarification

I need to know if I am still messing up my weight loss - since I have not been trying to eat my exercise calories.

OR should I change my exercise/activity level with the newer exercise routine that I have been maintaining...

Currently I should consume 1200 calories per day based on what I entered in as my life style (sedentary) and that was selected because for the majority of the day I work in an office setting (sitting mostly).
But I do work out regularly every morning averaging about 800 to 1000 calories burned per day…And this does not account for the regular calories burned just at rest.

So yesterday, I exercised/worked-out around 1227 calories (add that to my allowed 1200 calories) allowing me to have a daily goal of 2427. I consumed 1322 calories from my food diary...leaving, 1105 remaining. Does this mean I am still putting myself into starvation mode, or are the exercise calories treated like bonus outage...??? Or do I need to change something???
Please help me get some clarification.

I came across an earlier topic but can’t find it again, so if this is similar to a previous conversation I do apologize for the repeat.


  • whatheH
    you need to change something. You have to consume 1200 calories or you go into starvation mode.
    Try changing your life style. See if you can get it to a 1800 cal diet
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Definitely not eating enough:

    You are allowed 1200. You burn 1000. That means your body has to survive and function on 200 calories for the day. That is unhealthy and unsustainable.

    I am the same, my average exercise burn is 1000 +. I eat most of my exercise calories but will leave about a 200 calorie cushion to account for any high estimates by MFP or gym machines on calories burned. When I was trying to leave 600-700 I found myself binging every couple of days like my body was trying to catch up on missing calories. Now I'm on a much more even keel and cravings occur but they are controllable.

    Good luck.